Daniel Burkhart removes the old flags from Oak Lawn Memorial Gardens Sunday. The flags will be disposed of properly during an upcoming flag retirement event. (Darryl Wheeler/Gettysburg Times)
Continuing on from the upgrades introduced in R2, the engineering team have been redesigning major parts of Bright Engine’s rendering system. Plenty of redundant code has been removed, and significant chunks of the CPU-sided code have been rewritten.
It’s been two months of an architectural overhaul for the Bright Engine render pipeline. The engineering team have been making substantial changes to how the engine draws the scene, resulting in significant performance boosts without loss of graphical.
After months of programming, the time has come again to show off what our engineering team has been up to. A lot of under the hood architecture has been re-written, drastically reducing memory usage and improving frame rate. Meanwhile a brand new UI.
After months of programming, the time has come again to show off what our engineering team has been up to. A lot of under the hood architecture has been re-written, drastically reducing memory usage and improving frame rate. Meanwhile a brand new UI.