the public in a greater way. the thing that s special about military service and i write about it it a lot, is that you are involved, particularly as an officer and that s a different perspective that s in reque damn few the t perspective the way we think about this job. and you have the brothership, you participate in world events and influence world events and seal training is phenomenally tough and we re all in the fight together ap a special group of folks to be a part of? to be sure. and one thing i want to talk about, before we leave you, sir, you talk about the new direction for the seals, the global pursuit team. tell me about that, that s enabled you to capture of folks like usama bin laden and help american hostages as well. sure. i think after a decade of sustained combat the military at large will look how we do the job and employ our forces.
and almost pathological aversion to failure and teamwork at a high level and i think those are valued everywhere and i feel we could share some of those concepts and wrap them with stories that really make them resonate. that would be of value. the seal teams have in the last couple of years been a mysterious part of the military, incredibly famous, world famous. how has that changed the lives of seals? i think it s yet to be seen. i think we ll have to watch how that progresses and the nice thing i can say, i haven t seen any of the media or the attention effect combat operations and i haven t seen any information revealed that would put our teams or the brotherhood in harm s way, off soft units, a critical piece to us. we ll see he where the attention goes, goes through peaks and valleys. what do you think want people to take away from the book damn few , i believe what we ve learned in 12-plus
o a battlefield. brian: and you don t say things around the house? i don t. gretchen: except on halloween. he has written damn few. forget everything you know throw out the family dinner and let the kids pick the punishment. brian: then desperate times call for desperate measures. move over calvin klein, postal service getting into the fashion industry. we want to see your ideas for design. gretchen: are they going to change their outfit? [ male announcer ] how do you measure happiness?