India on Wednesday reported 4,510 fresh Covid infections in the past 24 hours, against previous day's 4,043 count, said Union Health Ministry.In the same period, 33 more Covid-related deaths took the national fatalities tally to 5,28,403, as .
India on Monday reported 5,221 fresh Covid cases in the past 24 hours against the previous day's 5,076 count, as per the Union Health Ministry data.During the same period, 15 more Covid-related fatalities took the death toll to 5,28,165 as per .
India on Monday reported 5,221 fresh Covid cases in the past 24 hours against the previous day s 5,076 count, as per the Union Health Ministry data. During the same period, 15 more Covid-related fatalities took the death toll to 5,28,165 as per the report. 📰 India Reports 5,221 Fresh COVID-19 Cases, 15 Deaths in Past 24 Hours.