Employee is disciplined for a different complaint Written By: Nancy Vogt | ×
Crosslake City Attorney Brad Person on Monday, April 12, provided the following written summaries of recent closed city council meetings, and council member Dave Schrupp read each summary:
The council considered a respectful workplace complaint that an employee initiated and took no disciplinary action. The Respectful Workplace Policy will be distributed to and reviewed by all employees, including department heads and administration, as well as city council, city board and city commission members.
The council approved this action with Marcia Seibert-Volz abstaining. The council had hired a Duluth attorney as a third party to investigate this complaint.
Crosslake: Council hires third party to investigate workplace complaint
“We’ve got to hire someone to come in and find out what’s going on,” Mayor Dave Nevin said, noting Johnston will not work in the capacity of an attorney, but rather as a mediator. Written By: Nancy Vogt | ×
The Crosslake City Council agreed to hire a third party to investigate a “city respectful workplace” complaint.
The council met Friday morning, Jan. 29, and hired attorney Stacy Johnston, of Duluth, at $270 per hour. The meeting was held at city hall with council member Dave Schrupp attending online via Zoom.
“We’ve got to hire someone to come in and find out what’s going on,” Mayor Dave Nevin said, noting Johnston will not work in the capacity of an attorney, but rather as a mediator.
Incident started over placement of a sign being erected for new city hall location Written By: Nancy Vogt | ×
Dave Nevin
After taking care of routine annual appointments Monday, Jan. 11, the atmosphere quickly turned at Crosslake City Hall with Mayor Dave Nevin saying the biggest roadblock he faces is staff at city hall and agreement that more respect is required from both sides.
The comments came as Nevin initiated discussion on an agenda item related to a sign being erected for the new city hall location. It was learned during disjointed discussion that an incident occurred Tuesday, Jan. 5, involving unnamed city staff members, Nevin and council member Marcia Seibert-Volz that included alleged threats and that led Police Chief Erik Lee to turn the matter over to the Baxter Police Department to look into.