that we are the heirs of thats first revolution. we are the keepers ofof flame of liberty. we hold it high tonighh tot fonr the to see. we will safeguard our valueas . we will teach our childrend to cherish and adoreador their o that they can build its future . we can make the years ahead the best years our has everne had. there is new ground to bew brokengr and new action to be b taken. america has always been greatest. when we dared to be great o together, we are part of one of the greatest story ever told. the story of america the ideals of july four, 1776 still speak l to all humanity, and the revolution declared that day goes on time legend. at the time of his death and the statue of liberty is not as shaken or less than a happy happy 4th of july. america, to all of you out out there, welcome to our bige independence day special celebration live herdae in new york city, where it is 80 degrees, very hot and humid. i might just be here tonight with joey jones, carl
have a critical decision to make on this program. we re going to do our best to bring you access to the candidates as they re available. last night we kicked off our town hall series in termsale of the election seasonri and tha all important caucus state oftef iowa. we did iormet with former president donald trump . now the president s state after show for a considerable periodsw of time and took a lot of questions from town hall parties, events. take a look. and i want to talk about issues first, because those are the real issues that impactpactp people s lives. there are other issues. i ll askeopllives. about, but it to start with what matters. peacd and butter issues, peacet and prosperity. and and the future drive electin ,in my opinion. so we have a border thatcont, is out of control. why woul wd they open upgn the border? do you think this was by design? do you think by the end of this year, joe biden, by estimates, will have allowed in estimat se a half million i
a quarter of an ounce on each bell and they want to breakcord. a 19 year old record . and then a guy comes along thatv never lifted weights before and he s lifting it like nothing. the swimmer. remember the swimmer? i do it all the time where the swimmer and then she gets very badly injured with windburn because he went by herself. so as you know, the truth is the truth is that it s very, very unfair to women and it s iy very demeaning. it s ver demeay demeaning to wo women are demeaning. it. so unfair. i you know, that s another one off the many things i say, da you know, april fools day, like open border, april fools, who wants open water, no voter id, april fools day. men and women sports . how ridiculous is how ridiculous is it? and it s so unfair . and ho and how could anybody want tha that? why would anybodt?y want that? it s so unfair. and you see it slowly happening
chasing love underneath the sun we are strangers by day, lovers by night knowing it s so wrong but feeling so right ooh da, da you know, it would go on. larry: do you still do a lot of concerts? yes, we do. i mean, we just recently did the tour throughout europe. we ve had different concepts. the next tour i m going to do is going to be called through the eyes of wonder. and the concept of that tour is going to be really taking the ideas that i see, you know, the visuals, how i ve how i ve done the various songs and how i visualize various things could be with something that would be a visual in them, whether it be a video, whether it be staging