You, you fIlthy people. I know what youre thInkIng. Happy wednesday, everyone. ThInkIngso Joe BIden Appearede w on the VIew Today where Cohoste Sara haInes saId Its lIke havIng one of The Beatles at the tablee of. True I true. If youre talkIng about georgere or john, Its not more lIke yoko. Kamala harrIs wIll vIsIt the southern border on frIday. St she saId shes lookIng forward to fInally meetIng justIn shu. Ahe say speakIng of harrIs at the s last debate, she saId she was a mIddle class kId. Howevehed er It Appearss En HarrIs enjoyed thIngs most mIddle class kIds dIdnt lIke LIvIngjoIngskIds PrIvate Schoolr growIng up In some of the wealthIest places on earth. Jo the only thIng she dIdnt enjoy was a nanny. UnlIkeanI. Her husband, wrong way. Or that was a long way for a cheap joke. Youre welcome, amerIca. New Cdc Data shows. That us ObesIty Rates have fallen for the fIrst tIme even for. But just lIke the crIme statIstIcs, the cdc left out the cItIes new orleans, Los Angeles and the vIew
And welcome to hannity. And tonight, my monologut,e is only moments away. But first, former first Lady Melania Trump sat downe with or very own Ainsley Earhart for a rare tv interview. Here is an exclusive preview. Take a look. Sos you didnant see thaT E you Assassination Attempt and someone called you . I think your Chief Of Staff maybe called Youf You Af and sar hes okay, but there has been a shooting. Happened next. When i saw it, i you know, It Rl was only. Nobody really knew yety kn. Right. Because when you see him on the floor and you dont know, you dont know what really happened. E will and Coming Up, Ainsley Earhardt will join us more of her interview with Melania Trump. It will air in full on fox t. So Friends Tomorrow starting 6 a. M. Right here on the Fox News A. M. First, we turn n our attenti to another interview on, another network. I didnt think there were other networks anyway. Kamala harridnt this sat Down R her first and only solo national interview. T anhow brave of
Brought massive crime into our country at levels that nobody has ever seen before. Weve never seen levels like this. And during the debate i mentioned that ed David Muir, a real lightweight, whose ratings have gone way down, by The Way, because he lost credibility. One against three but i think we did great. But David Muir of abc, fake news, when i said that crime is way up in our country, he corrected me. Corrected me on so much, and it was right, what i said. He didnt correct her one time when she said was wrong, absolutely wrong, so many different charlottesville, she was wrong. All of the different things, almost everything she said, and she was never corrected. But he corrected me, on crime, said no no, crime has not gone up, i said crime has gone up massively. He said i like to state for the record that crime has not gone up. Now you dont know this but we had a deal with abc that there would be no corrections of any kind, and they violated the d deal. Why . Because they are bad p
Jes welcome to Jesse Watters primee tonight. When we drove through those cornfields, just about every line when we t had a trump sign. Yeah. Flags everywhere. Billboards had everywhere. Orterm Kamala Harris is losing the election. L we dont know who the hell she is. Leave us alone. Were making hamburger wits. Itd be interesting to see if he surrendered. If there was, in fact,e ifd some sort of weapon. And why was he out . And about a Year Latery Wa a. He the deep state admits they let trumps Assassin Slip through the cracks. They just released a report confirming that iran actors hacked into the trump Campaigns Email accounts. Hacko th exactly like. Biden allowing the Iranians U to hack the Trump Campaign. I dont know what the hell they found. Couldntmpont know what have bo exciting. Plus, this is a real battle to grab your popcorn. Trump already has his. Oh, look, i got to get out of it. All that stuff. Theres a Carrot Weve got to get. G. Mom just got a ba that actually good stuff. Go
Ingraham anglE from Washington Tonight. This is a fox nEws alErt. Laura good EvEning,EE EvEryonE, this is lowEr incomE from Washington Tonight and now officially chargEd with attEmptEd assassination of formEr PrEsidEnt Trump. MorE dEtails and momEnts first zElEnskyy, that sarah got, thatn is thE focus of tonightsEr anglEEn. I thought dEmocrats wErE against ElEctionEEring intErfErEncE by forEign govErnmEnts and forEignun lEadErs. What would you all yEstErday spEnt trip with Ay BattlEground StatE of pEnnsylvania. ZElEnskyy is in E u. S. For thE u. S. GEnEral assEmbly but took a dEtour to JoE BidEns Town Ofsh Scranton HapE was EscortEd by PEnnsylvania GovErnor Josh Fac Shapiro Visit to ammunitionE factory. WnianE arE blEssEd to havE so many ukrainians living hErE in FthE CommonwEalth of pEnnsylvant coach of thE sEcond largEst numbEr in thE EntirE unitEd statEs of amErica wE fElt a spEcial kinship to thEm and all of you in your work to dEfEnd ukrainE, wE stand with you. Laura and ZElEnskyy