We regularly trawl through Netflix to pick the best movies on Netflix right now so you don't have to – here are the best Netflix movies for March 2023.
Courtesy Of Jeong Park/netflix
PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST Blank plays a onetime wunderkind hitting middle age in her fresh, funny comedy. Our streaming entertainment options are overwhelming and not always easy to sort through. This week, I caught up with playwright and TV writer Radha Blank s
The Forty-Year-Old Version, a Netflix original that is popping up on some 2020 best of lists.
The deal When she appeared on a prestigious 30 under 30 list, playwright Radha (Blank) thought her star was ascending. Now, as the lifelong New Yorker approaches her 40th birthday, even the high school kids she teaches rib her about her stalled career. Her love life? Also a nonstarter, as the smart-mouthed guy who lives on her neighbor s stoop is all too eager to remind her.
Ishaan Rahman:
Sacha Baron Cohen makes a return in
Borat: Subsequent Moviefilm, a sequel to his 2006 mockumentary hit. Cohen plays a filmmaker from Kazakhstan, Borat, who is sent to America to improve relations with President Donald Trump. This time, he’s joined by his fifteen-year-old daughter, played by Maria Bakalova with innocence and farce. Bakalova’s character has been raised in Kazakhstan and preconditioned to believe every chauvinist female stereotype.
The film’s over-the-top satirical comedy brings countless laugh-out-load moments, each ranging from light-hearted to borderline disturbing. Though unlike its predecessor, the film is very focused and timely, particularly on US politics and the November elections.