At present, DLF has a retail footprint of around 42 lakh square feet comprising nine properties, including malls and shopping centres, mainly across Delhi-NCR. Around 3.4 lakh square feet of retail portfolio is under DLF Ltd and the rest under the DLF Cyber City Developers Ltd (DCCDL), a joint venture between DLF and Singapore sovereign wealth fund GIC.
DLF is constructing a premium mall in Goa of around 6 lakh square feet. It is also developing high-street shopping centres near its housing projects to cater to the requirements of people living around
"We have started construction work of Mall of India in Gurugram. The total size of this mall is 26-27 lakh square feet," DLF s Vice Chairman and MD (Rental Business) Sriram Khattar told PTI on the sidelines of a CII conference on the real estate sector.
Realty major DLF Ltd on Wednesday reported a 27 per cent increase in consolidated net profit to ₹655.71 crore in the December quarter on higher income and less expenses