Enforcement on our nations Immigration Laws. The chairman recognizes himself for an Opening Statement. It is fitting that todays hearing is called enforcement of our nations Immigration Law. The past eight years experienced the growth of antiImmigration Enforcement policies at every level of government and the vilification of state and local Law Enforcement officers who attempt to enforce our nations duly enacted Immigration Laws. Our Immigration Laws are an expression of our nations sovereignty. Theyre not suggestions. Yet theyve been ignored and the example was set from the top. The Obama Administration abandoned the rule of law under the guise of prosecute toerl expression. The coldblooded mushed of steinly m, terrorist attacks ranging from the World Trade Center to the mass kra at san bernardino, the time is long overdue to ensure that our Immigration Laws are enforced and the rule of law is truly restored. The Obama Administrations policies of catch and release and of rubber stamp
At the end to interfere with the equipment in the room and please join me in the pledge of allegiance. Stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Commissioner president turman id like to call roll. Commissioner president turman commissioner mazzuco commissioner marshall commissioner dejesus excused commissioner melara commissioner hing commissioner president turman we have quorum also with use it the chief of Police William scott and the Deputy Director of the Police Accountability eric. Thank you commission secretary. Members of the public thank you for joining us tonight and welcome to the wednesday, april 19, 2017, meeting the Police Commission it is an absolutely beauty day outside so we it is hard to be here but being it is hard to be here i think about the fact that people who come here and make Public Comment and the commissioners that go through this process it is not lost on any of us up here and hopefully not on you this is difficult work rai
Chief of Police William scott and the Deputy Director of the Police Accountability eric. Thank you commission secretary. Members of the public thank you for joining us tonight and welcome to the wednesday, april 19, 2017, meeting the Police Commission it is an absolutely beauty day outside so we it is hard to be here but being it is hard to be here i think about the fact that people who come here and make Public Comment and the commissioners that go through this process it is not lost on any of us up here and hopefully not on you this is difficult work raising those issues can be difficult we do this for the betterment of our city im grateful to serve and grateful so have all of you and all your comments regardless of whether or not their total agreement or disagreement so thank you for being here sergeant killshaw call the first item. Item no. 1 consent calendar receive file, action. Police Commission Report of disciplinary actions, 1st quarter 2017. Request of the chief of police to
Chief of Police William scott and the Deputy Director of the Police Accountability eric. Thank you commission secretary. Members of the public thank you for joining us tonight and welcome to the wednesday, april 19, 2017, meeting the Police Commission it is an absolutely beauty day outside so we it is hard to be here but being it is hard to be here i think about the fact that people who come here and make Public Comment and the commissioners that go through this process it is not lost on any of us up here and hopefully not on you this is difficult work raising those issues can be difficult we do this for the betterment of our city im grateful to serve and grateful so have all of you and all your comments regardless of whether or not their total agreement or disagreement so thank you for being here sergeant killshaw call the first item. Item no. 1 consent calendar receive file, action. Police Commission Report of disciplinary actions, 1st quarter 2017. Request of the chief of police to
Following the procedures in contracting exhibition and Custom Enforcement agencies not evaluating them in immigration and a way to communicate the communication between the agency to the public that is reinsuring during a time like this in in addition it happens it is critical thank you. Thank you next member of the public please. Im tom chief scott and commissioners sergeant killshaw, good evening. A couple of things i want to talk with the new chief he may have heard of official city family talk about a lot town i hope youre not thinking their referring to your aunt or nice person in our family but the coast negotiating when you hear the phrase spoken of a dirty corrupt unit people protect their friends and family the law is ignored to protect those people okay while im the mike i want to thank commissioner president turman so for two things number one, got rid of ms. Hicks not done nothing awhile shes in the position for 10 years he was instrumental for her removal what the heck too