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At the end to interfere with the equipment in the room and please join me in the pledge of allegiance. Stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Commissioner president turman id like to call roll. Commissioner president turman commissioner mazzuco commissioner marshall commissioner dejesus excused commissioner melara commissioner hing commissioner president turman we have quorum also with use it the chief of Police William scott and the Deputy Director of the Police Accountability eric. Thank you commission secretary. Members of the public thank you for joining us tonight and welcome to the wednesday, april 19, 2017, meeting the Police Commission it is an absolutely beauty day outside so we it is hard to be here but being it is hard to be here i think about the fact that people who come here and make Public Comment and the commissioners that go through this process it is not lost on any of us up here and hopefully not on you this is difficult work raising those issues can be difficult we do this for the betterment of our city im grateful to serve and grateful so have all of you and all your comments regardless of whether or not their total agreement or disagreement so thank you for being here sergeant killshaw call the first item. Item no. 1 consent calendar receive file, action. Police Commission Report of disciplinary actions, 1st quarter 2017. Request of the chief of police to accept gift from shinenseal car wash of 46car wash cards for use on Jennifer Creelman vs. The department of building inspection at 143 corbett avenue. O item no. 2 reports to the commission discussion. Chiefs report. This is a tremendous gift any comment on the issue. The can i get my car washed. No. You canned have your car washed. I Planning Commission make a motion to accept. All in favor, say i. I. Okay im sorry commissioner we need Public Comment on this item on the consent calendar item im sorry before we into enter into a final vote well have Public Comment on this item the consent calendar item. Public comment on the consent calendar number one. Two minutes. Yeah. Im sorry. Got a lot of instructions tonight folks im sorry due to the length of the agenda the complexity of the jauld tonight Public Comment is limited to two minutes any Public Comment on number one, hearing Public Comment is closed. All right. I make a motion we accept the consent calendar. Second. Moved by melara and seconded by commissioner i. Opposed . Okay. Thank you that item is unanimously accepted we thank the folks at the shine and seal car wash for 2,700 of washing of the police cars not the commissioners cars we appreciate that Public Service next item, please. Report of recent Police Department activities, including major events, weekly crime trends, and presentation of the 1st quarter 2017 fdrb findings and recommendations ois investigative summary. Good evening chief good evening Police Commission and mr. Balthazar. Id like to start with the vital crimes for this week and start with that statistic for this week the good news no homicides this week and closing the ground from where we were at item no. 1 consent calendar receive file, action. Last year 15 homicides to date and last year 13 closing the gap from january and february our yearend total 58 homicides we hope to be blow that 2015, 53 if we hold the ground and prevent the shootings we can make progress and nonfatality shooting victims with or down last year shootings 50 in 2016 year to date and as opposed to to 57 this year our total for remain 89 gun violence we are one up 59 gun related incidents this year i mean 59 shootings comprised of 49 shootings last year, it was 58 shootings within 50 incidents were a little bit heads of where we were last year, it is our goal to reduce the shootings this year and one the ways we do that is our effort to remove guns from streets lawfully remove guns from street our gun series three hundred and 41 last year 12 hundred plus and 2015 one thousand 80 gun be seizures we try to remove those guns from the people that are most likely to use them and making Good Progress in terms of the significant incident we had a shooting in the Bayview District about 1 oclock this morning the victim was shot newcomers times he will survive according to medical personnel and so our night life units conducting their investigations and heroism have a resolution once we talk with this victim no other significant Violent Crimes to report for the week we had a significant hit and run on march 29 pedestrian was struck by a vehicle while crossing between columbus and union street will survive our investigation lead to the investigation of the driver of a developmental in the park and that is an Ongoing Investigation and the person that was hit is recovering from her injuries significant incidents this week are led by the 420 over in the district you mean people met on hippie hill the Golden Gate Park and we expect 10 to 12 thousand people that year in the district and the entire department will be ready to deploy to make sure that the potential folks are safe and minimal disruption to the surrounding neighborhoods also this week is arithmetic day saturday april 22nd from 10 to 6 00 p. M. Anywhere from 2 to 5 thousand participants expected should be a peaceful event and lastly to mark this will think on Justin Herman plaza expect 5 thousand people no problem to be marching to the civic center to join the earth day activities thats it for this portion of report and if we can have commander to report on the First Quarter finding and the recommendati recommendation. Good evening, commissioners chief scott peter of the chief of staffs office under my agenda the internal affairs with the chief that investigates administratively tonight of the internal affairs will present the firearm disagreeable findings for the First Quarter to satisfy the dgo this period is january through march of 2017 sergeant will also present the upper market neighborhood commercial Transit District satisfying the dgo 8. 12 and lastly low present an overall of the open ois cases so im going to turn it over to sergeant. Good evening sergeant cud do good evening commissioner president turman, commissioner president turman Police Commission director if the internal Affairs Division assigned to the administrative side ill be presenting the First Quarter firearm review report the first 0 quarter 2017 with the review board report and give you an overall the officerinvolved shooting investigations at this time the first peace the First Quarter of firearm arms discharge braid the f t rb for the First Quarter on wednesday march 29 and reviewed two investigations there were two ois 15 006 and ois for officerinvolved shooting officerinvolved shooting 15006 occurred september 2015 a private residence in the county at 8 hours 08 hundred an off cute officer discharged a firearm and injured himself no one else was hurt the recommendations by the chief was nonpolicy ois officerinvolved shooting occurred february 5, 2017, at a private residence inform unare corporate liv more california as 1731 an off duty officer disregard a firearm inside of his home the recommendation for the fdr was accepted you should have the letters from the chief following the fdr b that summarizes those cases into custody as a matter for reporting the into custody death review board did not queen for the First Quarter of 2017 no cases to present the next review record for the disagreeable review board are tentatively scheduled for june 28, 2017, our status of officerinvolved shooting investigations you received the Fourth Quarter 2016 ois report on february 1st, 2017, since that report was present to you one investigation has opened that was ois 17002 on february 5th two completed ois investigations were presented on march 29 that was two one criminal investigation was constructed that was on april you 2017 and now beginning to pull for 3304 california government code were presenting that for the next presentation as much april 18th there are 15 open sfpd ois investigations one decision has been reviewed if the office of District Attorney 11 cases with the District Attorney under review and open criminal investigations 3 the remaining investigations have open and active criminal investigations with the District Attorney sfpd and and or medical Examiners Office real quick review of the case by year all of the cases shown here 14 plus 002, and 003 scheme 004 are 003 im sorry 14005, 006 and 007 cases within 2014 with with the da in review 15001002 are with the da and 15003 is the case that received the charging decision from the da and 15004 is an Ongoing Investigation with the memorial Examiners Office at this time 15007, 15008 and 9, 15, 10 and 15001 and 2 are with the District Attorney waiting a charging decision and 16003 and 17001 have other active criminal investigations pieces at this time. Thats the snapshot. So president we also are entirely making an effort to expedite the internal firearm discharge review board were waiting on the District Attorneys office to push forward to expedite those we believe we need to do them faster. We believe we need to take care of those in a more expedited matter this is our plan moving forward. Questions for sergeant cud do. Thank you, sergeant thank you. Nothing further chief. Sergeant killshaw report on activities and announcements. Good evening commissioner president turman and chief scott and members of the public im going to briefly talk about two items the hire of dpa investigators and one item on technology we completed the interviews for the position after the complete reference check 5 candidates were hoping to get the offers out by next week they have to go through the background unit and once they pass the background checks they can work with the dpa the additional staff will help us with our backlog of cases and better to prioritize the cases im working with the department of Human Resources to create eligibility risk for investigator positions the list is expired were in the process of making sure we have an updated list with options on the Technology Side next week or technique the investigators will be provided ipods had been used to have interviews and the ipods have better recordings and photos taken by the investigators that that concludes my report. Thank you Deputy Director bob before we move to questions i want to acknowledge that earlier actually, we received recently i dont know. I dont recall a communication from director joyce hicks and she as communicated that she has family issues she needs to take care of and so ill be resigning from her position as director the department of mrolgs accountability theyve served in the role of ocii and dpa director for 9 and a half years she has given us distinguished and Constant Service director hicks as you may know is a disciplined and a thoughtful person she has been a given a great deal to the cost Police Accountability as you may know the daughter of a airman and shes proud of her background and raised two children married to parents as distinguished attorney that worked for the university of california for several years director joyce hicks has served both the Police Commission tdpa and sfpd we thak her for her 9 and a half years the many years of service in oakland shes served two great cities in california and with that, i want to make the announcements shes decided to resign and wish her all the best to her family with that said, the commission needs to engage in what process well have to under go to make sure that the office continues to be directed Deputy Director batting discharge shell be with us until june is her official last day began the transition of duties she wants it to finish certain projects before her departure and after that well engage in discussions in the future again, i want to pubically acknowledge and thank director hicks questions for mr. Balthazar. Okay next. Item no. 2c Commission Reports. Commission president s report. I have no report commissioners any report. Commissioner melara. Yes. I want to report that were in the process of actually we wont be having our first meeting the e. C. W or electrical control weapons working group that coming friday. Commissioner mazzuco thank you commissioner president turman last tuesday evening myself and commander watching and from the Northern Police station on lombard street there was a large crowd close to one hundred people several neighborhood groups merchant and residents and expressed their car breakins about the issues were dealing with homelessness and thank you to commander washing that lives in the city to address questions thank you for being there and the community is concerned about crime in the city and i think we did a good job of explaining how the department is growing and the efforts under chief scott to you know appropriately handle the crimes theyve complained about thank you to the commander. Thank you, commissioner king please. Yes mr. President , i was part a meeting called about itself command staff on dgo 810 the First Amendment dgo tenant by Community Groups as well as members of the command staff and we are moving along on that issue and will continue to meet on a regular basis secondly, the Community Education and Outreach Working Group that im assigned to i have a regular monthly meeting with commander lazzaro weve met with commissioner mazzuco because weve overlapped and ill be meeting with commander lazzaro next friday and finally on friday evening there was a adorn that chief scott attended and many members of the Police Department honoring commander lazzaro for her service at the Central Station the transition of captain paul to the Central Division and the appointment of commander greg yee to the command staff and it was very nice evening thank you. The commissioner reports remind me that the need to report that the reform group the commission that are supervised by the commission are upcoming i asked and asked ron to follow up on this and that there should be some type of space on the sfpd website so other sponsors the record if signing up to participate will have the opportunity and if it is not there as of now im notifying people to call the Commission Office and express our desire to participate a place for everyone that has a voice and wanted to discuss those issues so, please please be actively involved please been xhufk involved and do right by the people of the city and county of San Francisco theres a place for all of us lets make that happen if we havent already and north america. Items identified for consideration at future Commission Commission meetings action. First of all, apologize to the members of the public if you were here and tuned in i was scheduled to be away i know we again have quorum no meeting last week, i apologize as i said at the beginning of the meeting we remain commented by other times we cant be there if we dont have a quorum we cant do business, however, were committed i apologize for not being here to that point last week, we were supposed to have the homelessness presentation which i thought would be scheduled for tonight but not tonight. Some of the presenters were not available and were going to put it on for may 3rdrd. Okay. Good to know thank you very much to that will be done for may 3rd and work the other items in as soon as possible and commissioners that is already this is the last meeting in april so well be going into may this is our summer months are coming up i want to know by the end of may if we have various travel and vacation plans so that we can do our best to make sure that we can tell the public ahead of time if this is or not a Commission Meeting if you know your summer plans if you know them please get those to sergeant killshaw and stay ahead of the curving on those notifications commissioner any other items for scheduling and consideration . Or announcements. Yes. Commissioner melara. I wanted to bring up the fact that some people have been wondering about our safe place conversation and programs. I know we decided we didnt decide but it was recommend that there be a point person appointed with the Police Department to carry that as to meet that effort and id like to at least hear what is going on so we can tell those folks that are interested in it to know that is moving forward. Okay. Im going to defer to the chief and to the deputy chief to get back to you, you with that information and also made at the Commission Meeting nothing further . For the members of the public were dark on april 6th but the next meeting is at city hall in room 4 hundred and 5 30 p. M. On may 3rd any other items. Okay with that, Public Comment on items 2a through d . Two minutes good evening, sir. Again commissioner president turman briefly thank you foreclosure making the announcements about the shareholders well be in contact with you have a question mass commander lazzaro given you a phone call if it is okay leave our number with sergeant killlshaw and be part of my group. Okay. Thank you. Karen sophistications o san franciscans for please accountability thank you for this comprehensive report my question is with regards to memorandum of understanding between sfpd and the District Attorney on the internal Investigations Unit and who investigates first with an officerinvolved shooting in my understanding i my understanding as of mark the mou has not been finalized that means when shawn warner was shot i dont believe that the versions unit was the first to conduct the investigation and supposed to be the case in my question whether can we anticipate the memorandum of understanding completed between San Francisco 49ers and the District Attorneys office . Any further Public Comment please step to the microphone if there is any further Public Comment. Good evening jackie for san franciscans for Police Accountability and i understand that tonights discussion will center around the budget for the sfpd and we would like to urge that tasers not be a line item in the budget weve been here repeatedly over the the last year. Next item. On item 2a through d. Thank you. Public comment . Seeing and hearing none Public Comment is closed. All right. Commission sergeant killshaw can you at all the next line item perhaps with the presentation will give further information for others to give Public Comment on this sthks we ask you give Public Comment on the 3 items as their present Public Comment on item i mean call item 3. Item no. 3 discussion and possible action to approve request of the department to submit a budget modification the board of supervisors, reallocating 6. 5 million in salaries and fringe savings to overtime. Action. And good evening director how are you. Im fine commissioner president turman and members of the commission Deputy Director and chief im katherine the cfo the Police Department good evening. Im here to answer questions you youve should have received a letter ill give a quick overall the letter the letter is available for the public on the table as well essentially were requesting a budget modification for the current year to sailor savings to pay for overtime or expenditures in seizing expose of our budget for the current year so 2016 17 that end in june the 6. 5 million really primarily the over time costs that are the amount to that 6 or 6. 5 million are training and arrest and investigations and court paid First Amendment gathering and Homeless Population Service Requests so the savings were realizing from the budget are related to mostly savings with respect to a lot of young officers in who are currently hired and freshly out of academy and not experiences theyre first pay increase were over budgeted in that way but well start to see those step increases role through i believe at the end of 18 so at this time i can take any questions you may have. Questions for director maguire but director maguire. Your telling us we have so many young officers weve budgeted for hire paid officer with a 6. 5 million surplus now that money is over time for some of the increased services to handle the First Amendment activities and some of the facility issues were zealously with with the homeless in overtime we had salary savings but need to put more officers on the street. Is that right . Further questions for commissioner. Director i was looking at but didnt see the anticipation the Public Comment is there a line item for tasers. This is in the for the 16, 17 budget the budget for 2030 that was not included in our budget. Thank you go ahead. Thank you cfo maguire ill use your title thank you all right. Public comment on this item . David san franciscans for accountability this is just a quick comment which is that you have 6 hundred and 50,000 for homeless im not sure that increases in the normal years the issue im looking at the fact there will be big budget items including data, etc. That you might want to think about putting some money into these we dont know what the costs will urban design for that stuff thats a quick comment thank you tom gilberty that is what id like the cit to be separated from the Police Departments budget and separated from the department of Health Budget because what is happening on the street for the homeless and the people that are having a crisis intervention are going to mediate a clear budget so we can recognize it is working at it price or not working and add to it i really like to see a mid way that is independent of the department of health and the Police Department for the crisis intervention because of all it will have to be meshed into this if you know what i mean. Thank you any further Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. And with that, i will entertain a motion. I move we accept the budgets proposal. Second. And the budget modification. Second modification. Moved by commissioner melara and seconded by dr. Marshall can i had a voice on that. All in favor, say i. I. Opposed . Okay. That vote is unanimous thank you commission secretary. Item 4 consent calendar item 4 consent calendar the public is now welcome to address the Commission Regarding items that do not appear on tonights agenda but that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission. Under Police Commission rules of order, during Public Comment, Neither Police or dpa personnel, nor commissioners are required to respond to questions presented by the public, but, may provide a brief response. Individual commissioners and police and dpa personnel should refrain, however, from entering into any debates or discussion with speakers during Public Comment. Please limit your comments to 2 minutes. Good evening. First member of the public ms. Bar shack. So im concerned about this line item of tasers appearing on that 2018 budget we have not had tasers in San Francisco and i have a stack of post cards that is among the thousands of postcards that have been collected with signatures of people that oppose tasers in this county and this city because as we know tasers are a terror weapon that protect cuts not a sanctity of life to bullets so i know that you the commission has been very divided on this issue of tasers but we know that tasers have disproportionately been used phenomenon brown and black people that will continue that will happen in San Francisco, too, we dont want to continue military riggs the police that is what tasers will do weve seen in other jurisdictions tasers are used during Mental Health crisis and that has impacted resulted in deaths and there is no justification for tasers as it is a form of torture so i urge final consideration of tasers as the line item in the budget as being on there representation of the real costs of tasers not only the actual dollars and cents but the human cost. Thank you, ms. Bar shack would you like to submit those postcards. Ill be submitting them at a later time in their entirety just a handful i could carry today. Understood next member of the public. Michael gray panthers i cant believe that the police are again trying to arm themselves with tasers weve been through this again and again and the community is always spoken saying not to delay tasers there has been Community Meetings all over the city and in which a strong response of saying not to delay tasers and the fact that you are considering bringing them back flies in the face of what the Community Wants and the Community Needs it is just outrageous we know we are not tricked by the idea that it will reduce officers officerinvolved shootings. Data shown that officerinvolved shootings and death actually increased where tasers have been brought in 80 percent of tasers used across the country have been against unarmed suspects and so what that means is that the police having tasers is just another weapon to terrorize people well not put up with that the argument disproportionately against blacks and latinos and the mills. Next member of the public please. David again san franciscans for Police Accountability to working off the last budget request i think came here in february a line item for less than legal items up to 300,000 were trying to get a grip on whether that is a real reflection felt actual costs of tasers the newspapers put the costs between 13 hundred in toronto in 2015 and excuseme. In toronto 1,350 in the arizona and los angeles 8 hundred and 22 each we take the 32 thousand in the last budget request it is a crude math i apologize for not having more information and subtract half for definish line and have money left 0 over that looks like you guys are expecting to get 21 had had tasers for 75 bucks each what is the real cost of tasers you know if it is in the more alignment with the newspaper reports were looking at 3 and a half to 5 million and thats a big budget item were not sure why this less than lethal line item of three hundred and 50 thousand was had in the last budget like to get to the bottom of that and the cfo to have the Police Department to give you guys actual numbers and Going Forward data with cit and a lot of training issues, etc. We want to talk about the real numbers are and not have on the job fuzzy boxes in those various budgets thank you very much. Good evening excuse my appearance i have medical issues for the most part there is stuff going on about the problems of sfpd this is repull the rug out from under thats chief scotts decision mingling with the deputy chiefs to include a Police Commissioners not here right now pardon me okay. Thats his decision not the board and the Police Commission decisions lets move forward and this other stuff this poa wait a minute how many females on the board of directors none all white males well keep our mouths shut next issue the tasers the taser in the last since 2000 we had 40 officerinvolved shootings 40 how many of those have we had tasers since 2000 would not resulted in death i dare to guess what did chief bratton and other sponsors say about the tasers yes theyll be abused, of course, africanamerican latinos yes sure theyll be abused with a tasers than a 40 millimeter ill survive that lets get the tasers yes train the officers if their abusing them thats up to chief scott you have a good evening. Any further Public Comment . Disclosing san franciscans for Police Accountability i think by tasers their how far pun protect concussion if they hit someone with a precondition without or perhaps hit them in the wrong part of body i certainly would not want that to have the attack with that kind of a device on the seat of my pants ive been interested in the studies i saw it on tv just as i was leaving my office i printed off information off the internet as im going to leave those for you the interesting thing by any nephew it is 5 years he was executed the cop that. Costs two teenagers in the middle of a gas station he pulled out his gun even though he had a tasers and would have prevented his death we should consider anything weve got a lot of big issues to spend money on as appointed out by conrad thank you. Next member of the public please. Tom gilberty we need to stop shooting things at people and stop demilitaryizing our society in general and might as well start inform San Francisco before our present chief was here a couple of things resonated if from the Police Officers accountability that said that we get the most reforms from a chief from outside the department and those are the people that helped you there were 3 young girls that were here he remarked i wanted police without guns on their belts and one little girl 11 years old said that is dangerous in police situations i dont want that to happen but you are in a dangerous situation called deesclation another 14yearold be girl said the uniform is kind of imitating intimidating and another is 14yearold said what were the policies and the procedures in the 21st century the police will have those are the people we have to win we have to address our police so those teenagers young kids growing up are part of our scene here i spoke last time i said 70 percent of class trainees cadets should come to San Francisco the night or next channel 2 had a barber shop meeting and the officers said i can talk with the kids and they have an aunt or uncle in jail still we need 70 percent of our people here thank you your next member of the public please thank you. Hi, im dementia a private citizen and not talking about tasers but so what im here to talk about is actually a little bit different since the event at the vent of 2011 i was wondering has the Police Department been following the procedures in contracting exhibition and Custom Enforcement agencies not evaluating them in immigration and a way to communicate the communication between the agency to the public that is reinsuring during a time like this in in addition it happens it is critical thank you. Thank you next member of the public please. Im tom chief scott and commissioners sergeant killshaw, good evening. A couple of things i want to talk with the new chief he may have heard of official city family talk about a lot town i hope youre not thinking their referring to your aunt or nice person in our family but the coast negotiating when you hear the phrase spoken of a dirty corrupt unit people protect their friends and family the law is ignored to protect those people okay while im the mike i want to thank commissioner president turman so for two things number one, got rid of ms. Hicks not done nothing awhile shes in the position for 10 years he was instrumental for her removal what the heck took you gosh darn long to do something about here inaction position finally the oath piece can be enhanced maybe by the badge cantonese buzz need the accountability piece for the record if i did speak of lack of accountability officers that are active in the sfpd should be removed right or wrong a captain actually running the Bayview District hes a criminal maland another criminal i dont know if she is in the richmond station should have been festered and in jail and Matthew Rogers a sergeant he should be out and nicholas you must know about him infamy town my time is up thank you very much good evening ms. Brown would you like to use is overhead. Yes. I would like to use the overhead. Im here to talk about my son Aubrey Abrakasa that was murdered august 14, 2006, his birth was august 6th of this month im still on the battlefield looking for justice so for my son and other sponsors mothers and fathers that follow me i always bring the pictures of my son but put this again for the predictors all the names of my son on the case at 850 bryant in homicide in the folder those are not names im picking out of a hat those are off the folder with my previous investigator thomas han battle perris moving fit and hunter and Marcus Carter one is deceased thomas hanbali was a condo and had a baby hes still running the streets paris moffitt out of jail i dont know o no one knows where he is i blame those two the most something needs to be done ill still hurting and still in pain bringing those other mothers with me theyre not here they had to move out of town essays mom we talk about all the other homes that are homicides that are going on the former mayor gavin newsom before he said i know who killed their child the police know but with one exemption they can name addresses everything how come it takes 11 years to find my sons killer thank you. Thank you ms. Brown. Any further Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Oh, im sorry forgive me ms. Brown members of the public and people if you or anyone you know has information of Aubrey Abrakasa or any other individuals please call the unanimous tip line 415 5754444 please call the unanimous tipline at 415 5754444 thank you item 5 Public Comment whetter to hold item 7 in closed session. On vote whetter to hold item 7 in closed session. Any Public Comment on the fact that we are about to vote whether or not to go into closed session and consider the items on item no. 7 . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Next line item attorneyclient privilege with regard to item 7 a , b , c San Francisco administrative code section 67. 10 action. I. Opposed . Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, i appreciate our time and attention were not in closed session session sdmourm your back on the record in open session and item no. 8 vote to elect whether to disclose any or all discussion on item 7 held in closed session. Action. Ill entertain a motion commissioners second. Moved that he commissioner mazzuco and commissioner i. Opposed . All right. No nondisclose item 9 adjournment action. Ill entertain an appropriate motion. Second. Moved by commissioner marshall and seconded by doctor hinging and. All in favor, say i. I. Opposed . What do we do with the paper we wasted well recycle. Ill safe all of that when i write my book at 62942 working together we can support your children. Its been my dream to start is a Valley School since i was a little girl. Im having a lot of fun with it clapping the biggest thing we really want the kids to have fun. A lot of times parents say that Valley Schools have a lot of problems but we want them to follow directions but we want them to have a wonderful time and be an affordable time so the kids will go to school here. We hold the classes to no longer 12 and theres 23 teachers. I go around and i watch each class and theres certain children i watched from babies and its exciting to see them after today. The children learn how to follow directions and it ends up helping them in their regular schooling. They get selfconfidents and today, we had a residual and a lot of time go on stage and i hope they get the bug and want to dance for the rest of their the city of San Francisco sfgtv meeting of the Historic Preservation commission for april 19, 2019 will begin shor

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