Residents of Lethbridge have embraced new household routines to sort through organic waste. The city estimates 85 per cent of people are using green carts.
The City of Saskatoon says the Curbside Organics Program will begin next week as scheduled, even after the RM of Corman Park Council rejected an appli.
Council for the RM of Corman Park has voted against an application to for a composting facility which would be used for the organic waste from the Cit.
Rossland’s “Not So Bad,” right? Moving toward more cooperation with our neighbouring communities; should lot coverage be subject to variance applications? A report on Rossland’s water supply and treatment; an assessment of how our pool facility falls short; and a new RDKB report. And more, of course! PRESENT: Mayor Andy Morel and Councillors Maya Provençal, Steward Spooner,