In Chhattisgarh s Bijapur district, 16 Naxals surrendered, including Arun Kadti and Ramesh Hemla, with bounties totaling Rs 13 lakh on their heads. Kadti was involved in an attack on security forces in Sukma in 2024, while Hemla was a high-ranking Naxal leader with numerous warrants pending against him. They were given immediate assistance and will be provided with rehabilitation facilities. Additionally, in a separate encounter, ten Naxals were killed on the border of Narayanpur and Kanker districts, continuing the crackdown on Left Wing Extremism in the region.
CRPF personnel killed, injured in militant attack on IRBn camp in Manipur. Inspectors Jadav Das, constable Aftab Das sustained splinter wounds. Search in progress for attackers.
Lok Sabha Elections News: More than 64% of the 14,72,207 lakh voters exercised their franchise by 5 pm in the Naxal-hit Bastar Lok Sabha constituency in Chhattisgarh during the