The Statewide Health Improvement Partnership supports community-driven solutions to expand opportunities for active living, healthy eating and tobacco prevention.
Crow Wing Energized: Grants available to support healthy choices
Up to $500 will be awarded for Workplace Wellness Grants and up to $2,000 for the Healthy Community Grant.
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Crow Wing Energized | 8:00 am, Jan. 25, 2021 ×
Crow Wing Energized has opened two grants to support efforts to make the healthy choice is the easy choice.
Grant applications to improve health and wellness in our community by making the healthy choices, the easy choice are currently open. The deadline for both grants is March 1, with an award date of April 1.
Organization criteria for applying includes serving or located within Crow Wing County, including but not limited to: neighborhood, youth, or environmental groups; faith-based organizations; health care organizations; civic or citizens associations; economic development agencies; local government entities; local businesses; school districts and other similar groups. Applicants are not required to be incorporated 501