latest news, target is going balls out for keeping your balls in. the retail giant is selling women bathing suits that are tuck friendly. who knew this was in such high demand. i always shout shrinkage would solve this problem. but i guess i didn t realize all these years how many women were suffering in silent. wow. so, pictures and videos of these junk tuckers have gone viral. junk tuckers. spreading spreading like monkey pox at a pride parade. yes, and he will be punished for that. that gay guy, he tricks me every time. the target swimsuits promote their tuck friendly const construction, extra crotch coverage. why would you want to hide the fact that you got a package at the beach? unless you want to trick someone. sorry, i am never going to be comfortable with a girl is staring at me and getting aroused in her swim trunks. that goes for the beach and womens bathrooms. that was funny when it was written. several people several people online have said target s marking t
A roundup of some of the most popular but completely untrue stories and visuals of the week. None of these are legit, even though they were shared widely on social media. The Associated Press checked