An essay written by the Wu Ming Foundation around the time of Steve Jobs' death which lays out the facade of the corporate 'miracle' and argues against net-fetishism.
American left communist Loren Goldner on the capitalist development of east Asia, working class struggle, and the development of revolutionary politics in the region in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Published in 2009.
Good article from 1987 explaining that the use of the term "dictatorship of the proletariat" in German by Marx and Engels is not the same as the English word "dictatorship" and does not conflict with democracy.
In this provocative and wide-ranging 1991 essay, Robert Kurz marshals Marx’s critique of the basic categories of capitalism and argues for “liberation from labor”, meaning the “‘abstract labor’ embodied in the form of value” that functions “tautologically” as a “self-referential” “end-in-itself” with destructive results for humanity (not to be confused with “human reproductive activity or with the process of metabolism with nature”); rejecting both technical regression (the “poverty of needs”) and obsolete reformism (the “Marxism of the workers movement”) he advocates “the planning and direction of the material nexus of reproduction in a directly social manner”.