whole swath of both syria and iraq. i think that there was a lot of responsibility placed on the obama administration. i think the fear is right now that president trump wants to declare isis over, even though his commanders and the u.s. envoy to the isis coalition, brett mcgurk, who just resigned a few days ago in large part that he s concerned that the job is not finished and this was a precipitous withdrawal. there is a lot of concern that you could not only see isis come back but something even more dangerous. you look at iraq, the situation is precipitous, there s no reconstruction to speak of, no services. people in iraq, that s what they re very concerned, about that this is the situation that helped isis to flourish in the first place. i think president obama, you can harken back to when president bush had that sign that said
soon. but how do you square that with what seems to be a plan for the military to actually send more troops to the area? reporter: there say couple of different things going on here. the military actually had been working on this plan for several weeks. they wanted to put they want to put more troops into northern syria for communications, support of the troops that are already up there, very dangerous part of syria in this area. and sadly we saw both the u.s. and british soldier there killed at the end of last week, which perhaps underscores the need for additional troops. that was all set to go. and then the president says he wants out of syria. so it is on a bit of a hold at the moment until the white house gives the pentagon more direction about what the president is actually talking about here. long-term getting out of syria is the fight against isis over, so far we cannot find a top commander willing to say so on the record. in fact, we re seeing top diplomats, pentagon offic
imitation of sean spicer brought him to a whole new level of fame. in that imitation of spicer, transportation to tuesday around? segway. tucker: to the tape we go. going to s new york, this prs interview isis over. podium. it s a podium segway. tucker: segway is close enough, you get it. the score is 2-1. i just won as a visual aid, these are the papers that ed henry brought into the studio. none of them are creased, i will .ell you only the crosswords have been lookednls at. he reads a justin bieber blog. tucker: attack your opponent, that is very good. go rebels. congratulations. tucker: follow the news closely for final exam. fridays this summer. we ll be right back.
thinking he should have won against mer. i say no way. jobs leaving, isis, obamacare, et cetera. so it s an indirect conversation that the president and the president-elect are having over the air waves and social media. back to you. we didn t think trump would be able to resist for long. i should note that david axelrod will join me live in the next hour. i want to start with you, dana. athena referenced this conference saying, listen, had i run, i could have run a third term. implicit criticism? no question. you didn t have to read deep and long in the lines, and he said i think i could have articulated a message that would have been different. but who knows? it you look at the data, the
. we don t know what he thinking what the incoming defense there s no doubt they have been reliable, they are pushing towards raqqa while the u.s. bombs overhead try to locate those high-value targets. like the leaders of isis. so what does donald trump do? does he continue with the military policy, or does he make some radical changes? does he pull u.s. support back or ramp up u.s. support? which would be complicated. a lot of questions to that effect around the world, really. a final question. he s eager to take out before