she is not going to walk dead into him and risk a conflict if she had a problem with him. again, it s like she can t win either way. if she steps out of the way it s that white women are afraid of me, and they stepped out of the way every time they see me. if she continues on her path ani says this is a respectful guy who looks like somebody i would be friends with, maybe she can smell the lust off of him and think that he will be a gentleman and step out of their way, because that s what most gentlemen do. tucker: that is never occurred to l me. that s a smart one. i appreciate it. thank you, tucker.. tucker: the republican party s effort to repeal obamacare seem to have failed for the moment. next we will talk to someone from national review who say it s time for republicans to consider a radically different course on health care. you may be shocked by this. stay tuned. plus we are debuting a brand-new segment. it s ed henry versus
imitation of sean spicer brought him to a whole new level of fame. in that imitation of spicer, transportation to tuesday around? segway. tucker: to the tape we go. going to s new york, this prs interview isis over. podium. it s a podium segway. tucker: segway is close enough, you get it. the score is 2-1. i just won as a visual aid, these are the papers that ed henry brought into the studio. none of them are creased, i will .ell you only the crosswords have been lookednls at. he reads a justin bieber blog. tucker: attack your opponent, that is very good. go rebels. congratulations. tucker: follow the news closely for final exam. fridays this summer. we ll be right back.
great britain and are afraid of what they see there. how i much of the gdp, is there any country that has a system that we should emulate? we will have to create a made in america system. britain has a system of socialized, soup toe nuts, run y the state. canada has a system that is stingy or than people think. covers hospitalization, but does not cover drugs and a bunch of other benefits that we take for granted. wegr are going to have to creata system for this country that make sense and guarantees the safety net, but that might have more space for other individuals to make their own decisions. those things are compatible and we can do it. we have to be so stop stop being so ideologically terrified about the things that have been talked about in the last seven years. tucker: whatever we ve tried has not worked, so i m glad you are being open-minded. thanks a lot. time for a final exam. which of these two fox regulars knows more about this week s
tucker: i want to make absolutely clear that not only are you conservative in good standing, butt you have been for all the time i ve been you heavily come which is a long time, you re one of the very few people whose view on this i would take seriously because you are not chronic some ideological ax.m tell us why you think this might be from a conservative perspective a better solution. a it s very simple. we in america do not have a free market health care system. we have a complete jumble, a mess of a bare minimum for, maybe five health care systems. every single one is underwritten by government. every single one is wildly expensive and wasteful. if you are conservative, you want to move in a more rational direction. you need to acknowledge that you have to have a backstop. you have to have a safety net.
it forbids the use of phones, tablets, and gaming devices, even while stopped. sean: not electronic marijuana vaporizers, just electronics. you arega negative one, let s se if you can redeem yourself. officials in china announcing that theyy were planning a pop singer from entering their country, talk about strict immigration laws, because of his controversial and controversial and takes off stage isis it? justin bieber. tucker: let s go to the tape! justin bieber has been blacklistedn and paying in beijing for his own behavior. staying his series of misbehaviors while abroad have caused public resentment. tucker: well, you have bieber fever, don t you? it wasn t fair. there needs to be an investigation. justin bieber was wrong. tucker: i completely agree. last question. melissa mccarthy, or