a moment. coma is now planning to extend his committee s critical investigatiol n into joe biden and his family s lucrative employment at penn biden center that mysteriously coincided with upends lucrative relationship with the communis t party of china during biden s employment at loop in tendste and tens of millions of dollars, we believe. sixty seven up to date fromersiy china pouring into.t the university at the very same time, hunter biden wasit the beneficiary of a very lucrative deal with a chinese energy company. and can you believe it.?at biden s private office upend the biden center made possible. by the communist party of tha china. you can t make that up. thatou is exactly whereed top secret classified obama era documents turned up.mplete but years later, we have full, complete details. grea at specificity. breaking news coming up now. tonight, we are witnessing a white house in full crisis mode. they are panicking in the westk wing tonight. biden visibly shaken a
cut it off, criminalizean the process and went after. if they do that, that nation will be furious. done. that s it. all. that s why we call himu. the great one . mark levin, thank you. an straight ahead, annight update on the tragic death earlier tonight of lisa mariofe presley. at the young agef o f fifty four , we have explosive o details from the twitter files. devin nunes, steven miller, they weigh in straight ahead as we continue. people told me not to run for republican leader against mitch mcconnell. he said i wouldn t win. i knew it was going to be hard ,but we got to start somewhere. look, we re on the road to work. socialism and republicans are just a speed bump. we can t keep doing this same old thing. it s time for republicans to be bold, speak the truth and stop caving in. help us change our party. lan join us and rescue america.ur .comance, i m rick scott.o 85,