Hearts to you. Lord, please shower your mercy on our nation, as we seek to deal with the las vegas mass shooting. Please show mercy to the victims and their families. Lord, in spite of this horrific act, give us faith to believe that evil will not ultimately prevail in our world. May this tragedy motivate us to plant and water seeds of peace, as we cultivate a greater respect for the laws of seed time and harvest. Cut in pieces the cords of wickedness that seek to bind us. Today, guide our senators and use them as ambassadors of reconciliation in our nation and world. Eternal god, though we walk in the midst of trouble, stretch forth your hands and revive us with your might. We pray in your merciful name. Amen. The president pro tempore please join me in reciting the pledge of allegiance to our flag. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Mr. Mcconnell
Subdued and noncontroversial panel of the day. I am sure nobody spent any part of june debating relatives over any certain opinions. Where is dave . Dave gets opioids. I will introduce them before they speak. We will start off with abortion. And we will start off with evan, who i first met when he was an intern and he has gone on to bigger and greater things. A professor of law at northern illinois. He was a visiting person professor at georgetown law school. I am in the middle of his excellent book and hopefully that book will be one of the definitive books Going Forward. Trevor failed to notice that i was a very obnoxious cato intern. It was hard enough even with the aid of people to predict dobbs. Supreme court overruled roe v. Wade. As of this state come abortion has been banned in 16 states. Other states are expected to follow suit. A federal ban on abortion after 15 weeks has been proposed. No Supreme Court decision has so quickly resulted in the criminalization of so much conduc
Mark Joseph Baldeck, M.D., D.D.S., age 61, passed away on Wednesday, May 8, 2024, in Oklahoma, due to complications from a sudden sepsis infection. He peacefully returned to our Lord
In an increasingly diverse world, the question of what duties attorneys owe towards acquiring cultural competence for communities an attorney may not personally.
JOSEPH BORGHOFF, J.D., CTFA, PROMOTED TO VICE PRESIDENT, NEBRASKA DIRECTOR OF TRUST SERVICES Security National Bank announces the promotion of Joseph Borghoff, J.D., CTFA, as vice president, Nebraska director of