After winning a four-month-long, life-threatening battle against the COVID-19 pandemic, Mumbai’s Devanand Telkote is all set to appear for Civil Services Exams’ interview round. Soon after cracking his prelims and mains, the 26-year-old had contracted the COVID-19 virus and thus had lost all hopes of appearing for the interview round or personality test. Thanks to
These young guns rose up to run Covid war room
Aanya said there was a need to organise the large number of requests and match them with available resources.
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Express News Service
BENGALURU: A group of young Indians is stepping out to help sick people who are desperately seeking hospital beds, life-saving medicines and resources such as oxygen, plasma donors, ambulances etc at a time when the health infrastructure in the country has almost collapsed.
Aanya Wig, a 21-year-old final year student of Lady Sri Ram (LSR) College, New Delhi, formed a WhatsApp group ‘Covid Fighters (India)’ after she found people posting urgent requests on Instagram for medical assistance.