Greater Chennai Police have registered as many as 4,480 cases for violating the lockdown norms and seized 2,620 vehicles. The complete lockdown was enforced in the state from May 10 to 24 before being further extended till June 7. Paediatric wards at major Covid-19 care facilities in Tamil Nadu say they are prepared and have enough beds in case more children get infected in the coming months. For the third consecutive day, the number of active Covid-19 cases in Tamil Nadu is on a decline. As on Sunday, a total of 3,05,546 people were undergoing treatment for the infection. Stay with TOI for live updates:
However, Chennai is not the only city that has been reporting a shortage of the drug. Pune and Bangalore have also been reporting a shortage of the drug where customers have been seen running around to get the medicine for the treatment of their loved ones.
The State Health secretary said that, unlike last year, 15 other districts of Tamilnadu apart from Chennai as showing a spike in coronavirus cases. Ki Oscar people to continue adhering to the covid appropriate behaviour, wear masks and maintain social distancing.
Chennai continues to remain on the top of the list with nearly 2500 new coronavirus cases. Clusters have also been detected in Coimbatore (504 new cases), Thanjavur (214), Tiruppur (165), Madurai (254) and Trichy (199). Reports suggest that Chennai has 34% of the total active cases of coronavirus in Tamil Nadu.
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CHENNAI: Tamil Nadu on Saturday reported 486 fresh Covid-19 cases, five more than on Friday, and five deaths, taking the case tally to 8,51,063 and the death toll to 12,493. The number of active cases stood at 4,036, ten less than the previous day.
Tamil Nadu vaccinated 12,709 people on Saturday, including 5,354 who were administered the second dose. Saturday s vaccination figures are 3,364 less than Friday s. As of Saturday, the state has vaccinated 4,57,951 persons, the majority of them health care workers, 3,55,829. Frontline workers including police account for more than a lakh. The government has also vaccinated 1,419 election staff so far.
On Saturday, from the 659 sessions held across the state, the state had the capacity to vaccinate 65,088 people, but only 19.5% of the beneficiaries turned up. Chennai reported the most cases, 187, on Saturday, while the three neighbouring districts, Tiruvallur (35), Chengalpet (36), and Kancheepuram (21) together re