On Sunday, June 21, 1953, the Kankakee Centennial celebration kicked off a week of activities featuring parades, theater, dances, a time capsule and more.
temperatures as they used topeus say in the nineteen sixties. scratch a liberal and you will find a fascist f. that was a black pantherhe slogan. actually they weren t entirely stupid. in fact,.. in this case they wee absolutely right. according to justin trudeau, possessing gasolineer, the city of ottawa is now a crime now to be clear, ottawa didn t declare the state of emergency because the truckers lit a courthouse fire , shot someone or leveled a church. blm did all of those things. gly but justin trudeau strongly supports pellom. he reaffirmed to support the otherr day. a here s the problem. we re going to let the mayor of ottawa or ottawa, as it s correctly pronounced, the jiblaw explain why peaceful truck drivers pose an imminentd danger to canada. it s disturbing when you see the protests turning into what looks like some kindto of a fun carnival where they ve got bouncy castles and hot tubs and so on is a complete insults to the people who are putting up with this nonsense f
0 this is the style that defined a style your stumble in one strokeer the middle has points every edge three only for added versatility. one toolvi it helps you choose change and match your style what makes my heart beat having everything i want and the place i love. jimmy okumura. ters, let s go to guinevere. ker carl welcome to tucker carlson. tonight workers of the world unite. you have nothing tototoworkers t your chains. that s from karl marx, of course he wrote that famous phrase in eighteen 48. the weird things is it s pretty likely that marx himselfx never met an actual worker. wait a second. he didn t spendhe a decade in a cotton mill witnessing the oppression firsthand? no. karl marx neversi spent t a momk in a factory. he was a rich kid who became a journalist. of course he was. butbu for more for more than one hundred and fifty years, karl marx inspired generations ofarx of other rich kids who alo became journalists to repeat his lunder variations ofke over time workers bec