feature on them or do self-described progressives recoil in revulsion and horror at the grubbiness the people who as we used to say work for a living do liberals immediately denounce them as and call for their suppression by force? that s the question. what s the answer? we ll ask from voters what happens? they ll know or consider what s happening right now in canada, thousands of truck drivers have descendedri ottawa,ot the capital city to protest the tyranny of justin trudeau s government. ike justin trudeau is not like truck drivers. he thinks they re revolting. justin trudeau likes private equity barons and tech moguls. a lot of people who give himim wh. y trudeau is not in ottawa right now. in fact, he anddd his family fld when the drunk drivers arrived b and they ve been in hiding ever since. so when the revolution he has been calling for finallyly arrived, justin trudeau wasn t there to see it. he ran away in terror. kind of sad.. instead in his place, his friend mark carney has
see themselves reflected in the truckersn in our multiparty system that would make them the leading party if the truckers formed a political movement. i think justin trudeau is more scared than he lets on because these are supposedd to be his people. are they re young, they re ethnically diverse. they re working class people, but they re not following the script that they normally him.or him. can can he stop this protest? nh i mean, do you think he can successfully shut it down from wherever he s in hiding right now? > well, i mean, taking away the diesel fuel is a low blow. it s very cold in ottawa and most of these truckers are livingvi in the little cabey in their truck. so they need diesel fuel for heat. so by taking away their diesel fuel, as you showed,fr he s really freezing them out. and by the way, there s some families there s even some kidso i don t know what legal justification they have. the diesel fuel is not illegal.l selling it, owning it, having it is not illegal.goin
assaults, intimidation and allegations of hate speech and symbols. this remains as it was t from the beginning, an increasingly volatile and increasingly dangerous demonstrator and it is spreading like a contagion itself right acrossnd the county . it sr: spreading like a contagion. now you knew spreadi that cnn ws the patreon guard for our ruling class. they were ofww the same role in canada and what other countries how much money to cnn take from the government of canada? haey d be worth finding out. they described what s happening in ottawa is a quote violent and dangerous demonstrator. really where s the violence coming from? the only people getting injured or have been injured so i far ae the protesters. the truckerse in winnipeg on friday and anarchists called david zecher drove his jeep into four people who are protesting vax mandatespe. . you re seeing that on the screen right now.ft cigaret didn t stop afterer hitting the people he fled.opd. police were legally arrested treati
they ve got bouncy castles for kids growls a childless mayor of ottawa. what s hurt them?m yes, ladies and gentlemen, it s a dark scene in truxton tonight . the kids are on the bouncy castles, of course, at the samet time their parents are flaunting the authority ofheare the people in charge and that is the crime. watch this protester, a white supremacist, explain his motives for protest. wherew where the were you? you weren t there but no, you want to come out in thezi freezing cold to opposeg my fundamental human rights and freedom. i m not going to have it. i m not man standing beside my brother right here. this is my brother right, right here.e to and none of you will have the right to tell me who associate with and who not to associate with me because you did not come out and voicern your concern for the fact justin trudeau banned me from leaving this countryfr because m my medical decision, because i made a decisionec that he did not like shut up racists go
i didn t think anyone could be happier about that kind of independence than me, but my doctor is over the moon. thank you . i feel good about your heart with cardio mobile order yours today for just $79 at kardiamobile .com or amazon that s just $79 for a limited time like a groundhog justin trudeau who many say is belcastro sun has just emerged from his lair in hiding to deliver a brief message to ann emergency session of parliament in ottawa. . did he declare he s going to listen to the truckers? no, he rerate reiterated that he believes the truckers, anyone who is protestingel government mandates and restrictions on travel within their own country. le all these people are racists, he said, quote, individual schools are trying to blockadee our economy and our democracy and it has to stop and quote in other words, when you would express an opinion that justin trudeau doesn t agree with your