inside politics i am john king in washington. high stakes at the high court, 40 million americans have 40 million dollars on the line. whether biden plans to erase student debt is constitutional. how fox put profit ahead of politics and fairness and tipping off trump campaign about joe biden s advertising buys. nine-way brawl where crime concerns could see locked out of an april runoff. supreme court hearing arguments in a case that impacts millions of americans. case involves present biden s student debt relief program. it is massive and wipe out 430 billion dollars in federal loans, estimated 40 million people qualify, forgives 10,000 for borrows that make less than 125,000 and up to 20,000 who get pel grants. today nine justices hearing two cases, one is a challenge from six republican-led state who is want to block biden s executive actions they say administration exceeded constitutional authority here. second case two individual borrowers suing because they are not eli
loan debt. word i keep on hearing out here is generational wealth. very clear in spending time amongst the people in the crowd they understand this is not just about the student loans itself. it is about the repercussions on life, financial freedom years to come. spoke to people who traveled hundreds of miles to be here. people who camped outside of the court overnight to make sure they had a spot here because they understand that impact. the impact it will have on them, on their children, and again for years to come, john. renee marsh outside the court, we ll wait months for the decision, jess, as well. steve phil, kim, and rhonda of washington post, interesting to hear justice gorsuch talking about the fairness argument.
125,000 and up to 20,000 who get pel grants. today nine justices hearing two cases, one is a challenge from six republican-led state who is want to block biden s executive actions they say administration exceeded constitutional authority here. second case two individual borrowers suing because they are not eligible for debt relief. renee marsh outside the court jess, what are we learning. john, we are seeing a lot of push back from conservative justices. pointing to the price tag of this program, more than 400 billion dollars and questioning authority to even implement this program. that is the big question in this case. whether the president has the power to implement sweeping debt relief. solicitor general arguing, saying yes, under something
out of the court. she could barely walk. afterwards she was reunited with her family and drove away to an undisclosed location, we believe it was a villa somewhere close to rome. since then making her way back home to her hometown of seattle where she can pick up the pieces of her shattered life. she was photographed in rome s airport. we don t what plane she got on, but flying back to seattle via london, that has not been confirmed to us. just agency reports saying that. clearly, she s doing everything she can to get back to the states as soon as possible. martin? matthew, despite all the excitement over her departure, it is still possible that prosecutors can appeal this and they have said they plan to do so, right? well, not just possible, but it s likely that they ll do that. in fact, they said they will do it. the prosecutors are going to go to the supreme court of italy to get the judges there to review the findings of this appeal court. what that will mean, theoret