Angelique Neal tax attorney, federal and state tax controversy and tax planning, including: tax audits, appeals, and litigation; tax collections; employment tax issues; and civil and criminal tax litigation
Angelique Neal tax attorney, federal and state tax controversy and tax planning, including: tax audits, appeals, and litigation; tax collections; employment tax issues; and civil and criminal tax litigation
Jillian de Chavez-Lau is an employment, labor, workplace management lawyer at Epstein Becker Green New York, as well as in Litigation & Business practices
Jillian de Chavez-Lau is an employment, labor, workplace management lawyer at Epstein Becker Green New York, as well as in Litigation & Business practices
Richard B. Newman is one of the premier FTC advertising compliance and regulatory defense attorneys in the United States. He works with HInch Newman Law Firm with offices in San Diego, California and New York City.