we know it s not the trans people because of our friend kaitlyn jenner. if you remember the kaitlyn jenner story she got on the cover of vanity fair day one, she s beautiful, anyone who doesn t think so is a monster, we re going to kill your dog and a didn t your children. day two espn courage awards, she s brave, anyone who doesn t think so she s going to be fired. day three she comes out as a republican and they re like screw you, you re out of here, we don t like you bruce. and there it went. but you know this, i know this, been here knows this. it s never been about tolerance or inclusion it s always about whether or not you re a democrat and you can read further if you re a black conservative or female conservative who happens to be running for president, none of those apply to the marginalized groups. greg: we have men who identify as women while holding on to their genitalia and
Christmas and New Years are almost here. As a result, as is always the case this time of year, we're being flooded with "year end" lists. These lists are a fun distraction that I actually rather look forward to as an amusing (and sometimes annoying) year end tradition. In particular, I'm a sucker for "best of the year" and "worst of the year" lists, particularly the latter. Unfortunately, I've usually been too lazy to construct such lists of my own, but maybe this year will be different and next week I'll do so. Or not.