the first text i sent after our family was to susan that we loved her very much she s been extremely supportive and cooper just loves playing with aunt susan. susan, we love you. give a kiss to everyone down there. we can t wait to party with you. thank you. don t make me cry again. thomas while we have susan, i think another point that would be great to hear from you about given what the courts decided is for a long time the notion we discussed this throughout the day, the notion that straight parents were better quote, unquote, at raising children was enshrined in this precedent. it was part of the argument. and then we saw tell us about how at oral argument this came up and the idea that a marriage exists only for pro creation between certain people straight people that argument didn t carry the day. not at all. families like rob and joe s and so many others like them actually put the lie to my notion that same-sex couples aren t every bit as wonderful
crowds outside of a san francisco city hall waiting officially for the decision we think we already know on prop 8. how long until the places where this impacts actually will see it go into effect? you mean in california? i mean, in california it could be a number of days. it could be a week. it could be a couple of weeks. but we ll have to hear from governor brown. and from the attorney general of california. both who are supporters of same-sex marriage. and we expect that they will interpret a ruling that the proponents of proposition 8 lack standing to bring the appeal. that that ruling will be interpreted as restoring same-sex marriage rights to california. that is what kind of the smart legal thinking up until now has been. there may be, you know there may be some, as i said, some litigation around the margins about it. but i would be very surprised if same-sex couples aren t allowed to be married in california very soon, within a matter of days, if not months. now, the other
national couples have the same pa pathway to citizenship that straight immigrants do, just not the marriage one. they have also a vested interest in getting this bill passed, any kind of immigration bill passed with the pathways to citizenship. we were talking on the show yesterday about fdr and the new deal and all the wrenching compromises that he had to make, and you can talk about the advancements that african-americans made because of the new deal, and it s true, fdr was looking to do that. fdr also drew some lines that in history don t look good, but at the time anti-lynching laws came up in 1938. fdr wouldn t put his name on it because then he said, that would cost me the south on every vote i need to save the nation s economy. so he made that kind of a brutal compromise that may have been necessary at the time. i don t think i think it is important to note that none of the lgbt advocacy groups have said that if same-sex couples