Following a vote to concur a House amendment, the Arkansas Senate voted to send Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders a bill intended to give parents a process for challenging items available to children in public and school libraries.
Garland County has been sending juvenile offenders who have to be incarcerated to Jefferson County since the local juvenile detention center closed last summer, but the arrangement is not working as planned and has created "a huge dilemma," according to Garland County Juvenile Court Judge Cecilia Dyer.
A bill that would require local jurisdictions to post certain notices online rather than printing them in local newspapers has left supporters and critics divided over how the measure could affect government transparency.
A bill that would require local jurisdictions to post certain notices online rather than printing them in local newspapers has left supporters and critics divided over how the measure could affect government transparency.
A bill that would require local jurisdictions to post certain notices online rather than printing them in local newspapers has left supporters and critics