with anyone in the trump administration. and now william barr could be as deeply implicated in what nancy pelosi called the trump coverup as nixon s attorney general was in the nixon coverup. the new york times broke the story today that william barr convinced president trump to call the prime minister of australia to get australia s help in the trump re-election campaign by asking him to help william barr undermine the mueller investigation. the new york times reports in making the request, one of many at mr. barr s behest, mr. trump was in effect asking the australian government to investigate itself. fbi counterintelligence investigators began examining any trump ties to russia s 2016 election interference after australian officials told the bureau that russian intermediaries made overtures to trump advisers about releasing political damaging information about hillary clinton. australia s top diplomat in britain had met in london in may 2016 with papadopoulos, who
william barr undermine the mueller investigation. the new york times reports in making the request, one of many at mr. barr s behest, mr. trump was in effect asking the australian government to investigate itself. fbi counterintelligence investigators began examining any trump ties to russia s 2016 election interference after australian officials told the bureau that russian intermediaries made overtures to trump advisers about releasing political damaging information about hillary clinton. australia s top diplomat in britain had met in london in may 2016 with papadopoulos, who revealed the russian offer of dirt on mrs. clinton. the new york times sources for this story are, quote, two american officials. so two american officials are blowing the whistle on william barr and donald trump. the whistle-blowers are everywhere now.
the president of the united states. the new york times reports that trump pushed the australian prime minister during another recent phone call to help his attorney general, bill barr, gather information on the origins of the mueller investigation into him. nbc news has also confirmed this story, although a justice department official calls trump s request merely an ask. times reporter katie benner is among the authors of this story. she ll joining us in just a moment. she, along with her colleague, mark mazzetti, write the white house curbed access to a transcript of the call which the president made at mr. barr s request to a small group of aides. trump was in effect asking the australian government to investigate itself. fbi counterintelligence investigators began examining any trump ties to russia s 2016 election interference after australian officials told the bureau that russian
the new york times reports that trump pushed the australian prime minister during another recent phone call to help his attorney general, bill barr, gather information on the origins of the mueller investigation into him. nbc news has also confirmed this story although a justice department official calls trump s request merely an ask. times reporter katie benner is among the authors of this story. she ll join us in just a moment. she along with her colleague write, quote, the white house curbed access to a transcript of the call, which the president made at mr. barr s request, to a small group of aides. trump was in effect asking the australian government to investigate itself. fbi counterintelligence investigators began examining any trump ties to russia s 2016 election interference after australian officials told the bureau that russian intermediaries had made overtures to trump advisers
let me get some of the evidence that i gathered. i gathered all this evidence before the mueller probe ended. so it was clearly under my responsibility as the lawyer for the president of the united states. the new york times reports that trump pushed the australian prime minister during another recent phone call to help his attorney general bill barr gather information on the origins of the mueller investigation into him. nbc news has also confirmed this story although a justice department official calls trump s request merely an ask. times reporter katy benner is among the authors of the story and will join us in a moment. she along with her colleague write, quote, the white house curbed access to a transcript of the call which the president made at mr. barr s request to a small group of aides. trump was in effect asking the australian government to investigate itself. fbi counterintelligence