Britta Gustafson and Susan Marolt were the top vote-getters in the race for Snowmass Village Town Council this year. When they join Councilwoman Alyssa Shenk in the five-member group that governs Snowmass, they’ll be part of the town’s first-ever female majority in council chambers.
Elected officials in the upper Roaring Fork Valley are willing to supply funds for the Pitkin County Sheriff’s Office and Colorado State Patrol if they will increase enforcement of the high occupancy vehicle lanes.
The Snowmass Village Town Council has officially appointed Ed Foran to the six-member Krabloonik Best Practices Review Committee, filling a position that opened up in early May when Bill Fabrocini resigned.
It may not be long before Snowmass Villagers and visitors can spot mastodons from local trails and snap selfies with mammoths in their living rooms as the town looks to breathe new life into public education about its Ice Age history.
Developers are setting the wheels in motion again for Phase II of the Viceroy hotel, more than a decade after Phase I opened near Snowmass Base Village in 2009.