A post office in the West Waterford Gaeltacht that is a vital lifeline for hundreds of Irish speakers in the region, is set to close at the end of April as the Postmaster retires.
A Limerick City Councillor is calling for further information on the UL house purchases in Rhebogue, calling it an 'incredible waste of taxpayers money'.
In relation to the concerns raised in recent days over a move to franchise the post office in Charles Street in New Ross, many believe the change will lead to a reduction of services and workers as well as the sale of the iconic premises in the centre of the town.
The team behind New Ross’s Summer Food Drive has begun issuing packages to families as it seeks to alleviate the pressures felt by parents during the weeks leading up to the return to school. Local politician Councillor Michael Sheehan is the co-ordinator of the food drive and explained why it’s so important to have the service available at this time of year.