SUNGAI BULOH: At least 120 residents comprising orphans and caretakers at Rumah Kasih Harmoni here, have received free influenza vaccinations in conjunction with the launch of the 'Sayang Seribu' programme on Saturday (Sept 10).
Awalan showing the card issued to members conferred with Datuk titles. - AZHAR MAHFOF/The Star
KUALA LUMPUR: The growing number of bogus Datuks in the country is causing alarm and steps are being taken to solve the issue.
Efforts are under way to set up a national body to register genuine title holders and weed out the fake ones.
The body, to be registered with the Registrar of Societies (ROS) through the Home Ministry, will vet registered members who will then be issued a special card as proof of their legitimate titles.
Council of Federal Datuks of Malaysia (MDPM) president Datuk Awalan Abdul Aziz said the request to register the new body was made by Home Minister Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin.
KUALA LUMPUR: The recent arrests of several suspects involved in the use and awarding of fake “Datuk” titles is a positive step in curbing the growing abuse, says the Council of Federal Datuks of Malaysia (MDPM).
“MDPM applauds the police in enforcing the Offences Relating to Awards Act (Act 787) which is long overdue, ” said Council president Datuk Awalan Abdul Aziz.
He said at a press conference on Monday (March 8) that the enforcement by the police serves as a strong deterrent and an open warning to the many individuals and numerous other Dato or Datuk organisations.
Awalan said the arrests would also send a clear message that the use of fake titles will no longer be tolerated, with offenders subject to stiff fines including jail terms.