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Georgia Southern undergraduate student steers childhood passion to national research stage at Capitol Hill
April 28, 2021
Amanda Weaver working in the on-campus Automotive and Aerospace Combustion Laboratories.
Amanda Weaver, a senior mechanical engineering student, grew up with a desire to understand how things work and a passion to protect the environment. It was these interests that led her to her work with alternative fuels research at Georgia Southern University.
“I grew up pretty fascinated with mechanical systems,” Weaver said. “In particular with this climate change mitigation research, it grew out of a fondness for the environment. I watched a lot of ‘Planet Earth’ growing up. I just wanted to combine my love of aerospace travel and combustion systems with making sure to keep i
What is undergraduate research?
The Council for Undergraduate Research defines undergraduate research as “…the inquiry or investigation conducted by an undergraduate in collaboration with a faculty mentor that makes an original intellectual or creative contribution to the discipline.” It is recognized as one of Texas A&M s high impact practices that prepares students for the workplace and society. Students connect with faculty and graduate students who, in addition to research, are able to offer advice about career paths and applying for graduate school admissions and fellowships.
How to get started
Department programs
Independent research courses: Each department offers a variety of courses (291, 485, 491, etc.) that provides undergraduates opportunities to work closely with faculty on a research topic.