Storms are building. Floods are surging. Wildfires are blazing. Heat and drought are desiccating the earth. People are suffering, their livelihoods combusting like so much dredged-up fossil matter.And yet the best our politicians, pundits and CEOs can offer is the suicidal promise to keep beating the same business-as-usual drum that got us into this existential bind in the first place.If we’re going to have any kind of future on this planet, we must go beyond reduced carbon footprints, net zero, renewables all the wishful, technocratic thinking of our leaders and start calling the shots from below. Welcome to our surefire solution to the climate crisis. (Excerpted in nine parts from Adbusters’ upcoming book, The Third Force: Field Guide to a New World Order.)
more, or that they should wait two more years. i have people crawling into my office, almost, literally, every week, saying, if i only can make it until i m 65 years old, these are proposals that not only are wildly unpopular, but they make no sense. they re bad policy. in terms of efficient health care. and they don t save a lot of money, i should also note. if cost driving is what you re very quickly, yes or ç no, do you see raising the eligibility age as a red line? as the thing that if it s in the deal, you think democrats should walk away from? we should walk away from raising the age of medicare, absolutely. my sense is that the white house is in exactly the same place. not supporting it, thank goodness. it s a very bad and very unpopular proposal. congresswoman jan schakowsky of illinois, thank you very much. thank you. all right. imagine the most valuable coin in the world. more valuable than the entire
suggest that they should pay more, or that they should wait two more years. i have people crawling into my office, almost, literally, every week, saying, if i only can make it until i m 65 years old, these are proposals that not only are wildly unpopular, but they make no sense. they re bad policy. in terms of efficient health care. and they don t save a lot of money, i should also note. if cost driving is what you re very quickly, yes or no, do you see raising the eligibility age as a red line? as the thing that if it s in the deal, you think democrats should walk away from? we should walk away from raising the age of medicare, absolutely. my sense is that the white house is in exactly the same place. not supporting it, thank goodness. it s a very bad and very unpopular proposal. ç congresswoman jan schakows of illinois, thank you very much. thank you. all right. imagine the most valuable coin in the world. more valuable than the entire
kinds of efficiencies. but asking seniors, whose median income in the united states of america is $22,000 a year, to suggest that they should pay more, or that they should wait two more years. i have people crawling into my office, almost, literally, every week, saying, if i only can make it until i m 65 years old, these are proposals that not only are wildly unpopular, but they make no sense. they re bad policy. in terms of efficient health care. and they don t save a lot of money, i should also note. if cost driving is what you re very quickly, yes or no, do you see raising the eligibility age as a red line? as the thing that if it s in the deal, you think democrats should walk away from? we should walk away from raising the age of medicare, absolutely. my sense is that the white house is in exactly the same place. not supporting it, thank goodness. it s a very bad and very
and that the republican ideas about medicare have been misrepresented in order to scare voters. what is your response to that? i think his plan scared voters before i even was on the scene. the idea of breaking the promise that we made to our seniors over 45 years ago, doesn t sit well with people. people paid into this program since their high school job. it s not a charity program. i understand the need to get the underlying cost driving health care up under control. that does not mean you touch the beneficiaries. it means you go after the underlying cost of health care, and that is another topic and i have ideas to that and so do thoughtful people in washington, but the bottom line is that there is room for agreement here and i m the type of democrat who represents a republican area that can come to washington and say i have a lot of support from individuals who don t vote democrat and i can t tell you how many times people said that i m the first democrat they voted for in their