suggest that they should pay more, or that they should wait two more years. i have people crawling into my office, almost, literally, every week, saying, if i only can make it until i'm 65 years old, these are proposals that not only are wildly unpopular, but they make no sense. >> they're bad policy. >> in terms of efficient health care. >> and they don't save a lot of money, i should also note. if cost driving is what you're -- very quickly, yes or no, do you see raising the eligibility age as a red line? as the thing that if it's in the deal, you think democrats should walk away from? >> we should walk away from raising the age of medicare, absolutely. my sense is that the white house is in exactly the same place. not supporting it, thank goodness. it's a very bad and very unpopular proposal. >>รง congresswoman jan schakows of illinois, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> all right. imagine the most valuable coin in the world. more valuable than the entire