chandigarh, vice-president jagdeep dhankhar on tuesday said he is pained by attempts to “demean” constitutional institutions and added people doing so should heed dr b r ambedkar, the architect of
Asking the students to take inspiration from Ambedkar s life, Dhankhar noted, "This is very important because we find, some of us, a very small number, who are not subscribing to this." "It pains our heart. How can anyone believing in Bharatiyata, a citizen of Bharat, demean and decry our nation, tarnish our progress, dent our constitutional institutions by going all round the country or outside?" he said.
By Post Staff Keith Carson, a 30-year incumbent on the Alameda County Board of Supervisors, has announced that he will not seek reelection to the board in 2024. Many had assumed that Carson, who was first elected to the board in 1992, was planning to run for another term. But in a surprise statement, he
By Lauren Victoria Burke, NNPA Newswire Contributor Herbert “Bertie” Bowman arrived in Washington, D.C. in 1944. He took a job sweeping the steps at the U.S. Capitol at 13 to become a well-known and very well-regarded staff member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Bowman died at 81 after heart surgery on October 25. “Bertie Bowman was
Ludhiana: Even as the debate rages on over the women’s reservation bill, women are trying to find a foothold in the corridors of political power in th.