The presiding officer the senate will come to order. Under the previous order, all postcloture time is expired. On the wiegand nomination. The question now occurs on the nomination. Is there a sufficient second . There appears to be. The clerk will call the roll. Vote vote vote vote the presiding officer are there any senators in the chamber wishing to vote or change their vote . If not, the yeas are 82, the nays are 14. The nomination is confirmed. Under the previous order, the motion to reconsider is considered made and laid upon the table, and the president will be immediately notified of the senates action. The clerk will report the motion to invoke cloture. The clerk cloture motion we, the undersigned senators, in accordance with the provisions of rule 22 of the standing rules of the senate, do hereby move to bring to a close debate on the nomination of thomas t. Cullen of virginia to be United States district judge for the Western District of virginia. Signed by 17 senators. The
We can and hold these families in our prayers. Thank you. Back live now on capitol hill where the House Appropriations committee is returning from its lunch break. They continue work on 2021 a spending bill. Live coverage here on cspan2. Mistaken at the best of times. They are unconscionable in the midst of a pandemic. I want to remind my colleagues that foodstamp spending is a powerful anti recession tool and has previously been estimated that for each dollar spent from benefits a dollar 70 is generated in economic activity. Let me say thank you again to chairman bishop, Ranking Member and their leadership and other areas of the bill. Their strong investments to ensure the continued availability and safety of the nation food supply as well as language designed to protect the health and safety of workers in our meatpacking plants and our poultry plants as well as the farmworkers who are out in the field every single day. I thank you very, very much that all of the attention youve paid
S San Francisco has been doing a great job flattening the curve and sfds has been a big part of that. The stepsky foundation and Silver Giving Foundation at 225,000 and somaland foundation 476,000, linkedin, 146,000 and the Webb Family Foundation at 70, Golden State Warriors at 50 and walter and alysse haas fund and the Tipping Point community at 25, and the stepski foundation is 20 and i want to thank all corporate and giving foundations and individuals this is a Response Fund the ones their gave before throughout the year and this is the ones for the covid19 response. And toma bravo at 1. 1 and anonymous at 11,000, Golden State Warriors at 125 and the hellman foundation, 50,000 and palms against poverty is 28 and herbert and Gene Foundation at 25 and facebook is 20 and cohen elevators is 20 and the wells fargo 20 and google fiberton 10. Wellington management 10, the 697 and alaskas airline 5,000 and odell family and dennis wulliver kelly and these are all that have given towards are
So im justice delighted to have her join just delighted to have her join the department. So its a great announcement to make to you all today. And then i, again, i will go through the covid19 update as the next. The agenda item and i am prepared to take any questions. Clerk thank you, dr. Colfax. Commissioners, before you might have any questions. Number one, can i ask everyone except actually everyone to mute themselves except for dr. Colfax right now. I see a lot of microphones on and were hearing someone typing. So everyone would please mute yourselves. And then the Public Comment line, any Public Comment for the directors report . Lets give it one second. Im going to share the Public Comment line info real quickly. Okay. There are no questions from the public. Im going to put this line up quickly for that in case number is watching. Commissioners, if you have any questions for dr. Colfax on the directors report, please raise your hand. Commissioner chow this is dr. Chow. I cant rai
There . Commissioner guillermo im here. Clerk thank you. And is commissioner chow on the phone by chance . Commisioner chung yes, i am and i will try for the visual connection as the phone goes on. Clerk okay. And commissioner bernal, i believe that you have smgz to say . President bernal thank you to my chigdzers and welcome to all of the members of the public who may be viewing the Health Commission meeting for tuesday, may 19th. Before we begin i wanted to let everybody know that the commissioners and i have sought to with the support of the mayor, beginning in june to meet twice a month with remote meetings. So on the first and third at a new time at 3 00 p. M. The meeting on the first tuesday of the month will include a covid19 update and a d. P. H. Update and contract items and d. P. H. Program updates. And the meeting on the thursday tuesday of the month includes covid19 updates and well focus on the General Hospital and the laguna honda related issues. So with that lets move on