NewsX presents an action plan to solve India s problem of vaccine procurement. This includes releasing daily data on vaccine production and distribution, finding more ways for rapid increase in vaccine production, daily status update on new vaccine production facilities and much more.
India News: India on Wednesday reported 2,08,921 Covid-19 infections, pushing the overall tally of cases to 2,71,57,795, as the country conducted 22,17,320 corona
Given the problem of acute shortage we are facing, would it be alright to take one dose of Covaxin and one dose of Covishield? Would vaccination still be effective?
भारत न्यूज़: Corona Testing News : एक महीने पहले देश के बड़े शहरों में कोरोना का कहर बरपना शुरू हुआ, लेकिन कड़ी पाबंदियों एवं लॉकडाउन के असर से शहर शांत होने लगे तो वायरस ने अपना ठिकाना बदल लिया। अब कोविड-19 महामारी छोटे-छोटे शहरों और गांवों में तेजी से पांव फैला रही है।
12:55 PM
As India finds itself amid a deteriorating Covid-19 crisis with mounting case load and shortage of medical supplies and equipments, countries like France, Italy, Israel, Australia and others have stepped forward for aid. A chartered Qantas flight departed Sydney with medical supplies such as 1056 ventilators and 43 concentrators. Meanwhile, Indian Navy has sent INS Kolkata to Kuwait embark liquid medical oxygen and medical stories. Earlier, the ship had embarked 200 bottles of oxygen and 43 oxygen concentrators.
Speaking about the current Covid-19 situation in India and the decision to receive aid from foreign countries, EAM S Jaishankar on Wednesday said that Covid-19 is a shared problem. India sent HCQ to US, Singapore and European countries, vaccines to some countries. What people call aid, is what they call friendship. He further added that he just has one objective. People are going through a difficult phase in this second wave of Covid-19