India on Monday logged 196 new coronavirus infections, while the active cases marginally increased to 3,428. The Covid case tally was recorded at 4.46 crore. The death toll stands at 5,30,695. Meanwhile, Union health minister Mansukh Mandaviya on Saturday said RT-PCR test for the detection of Covid-19 would be made mandatory for international passengers arriving from 5 countries
The novel coronavirus is a respiratory disease that primarily affects the lungs, but it can also severely damage the heart. India is cautious about another spike in Covid-19 cases that have been reported in several parts of the world, particularly China. Why is Covid-19 BF.7 dangerous for heart patients? Check the doctor s advice on this.
RT-PCR test to be mandatory for international arrivals from China, Japan, S. Korea, Hong Kong & Thailand. On arrival, if any passenger from these countries is found symptomatic or tests positive for Covid19, then he/she will be put under quarantine, Union Health Min Dr Mandaviya informed on Saturday.