The water base rate hike for a home or business with a 1-inch meter would mark an increase of $3.79 from the current $9.21 monthly base rate and a 95-cent per unit increase
As winter hits mid-stride, James Valley Drift Skippers snowmobile club rides into 47th year
During the winter of 1968, the main form of transportation through the snowy streets of Mitchell was a snowmobile. The winter of 1968-69 is often referred to as the year of the snow, and it is also the same time that the James Valley Drift Skip. Written By: Sara J. Bertsch | 7:00 am, Jan. 14, 2017 ×
Members of the James Valley Drift Skippers snowmobile club participate in the club s annual ride in the Black Hills in February 2014. (Submitted photo)
During the winter of 1968, the main form of transportation through the snowy streets of Mitchell was a snowmobile.