The Town Board of License Commissioners held its annual liquor and outdoor entertainment license renewal meeting on November 3, but not before first gathering as the Town Council to discuss a resolution concerning cooperation on liquor law.
At one point an exasperated Martha Ball said, “This is just a feel-good venting thing,” of the Town Council’s work session on September 7. The subject was parking and congestion, particularly in the downtown area and despite Councilor Ball’s.
They came as friends, families, athletes, and amateurs, all to take a run at the 2022 Block Island Triathlon. Some have done triathlons for years, some just started their training recently, and some did iton a whim, just because they thought they.
Nobel Prize winner and professor of Geosciences and International Affairs Dr. Michael Oppenheimer attended the Sea Level Rise Committee’s meeting on Tuesday as a special guest advisor. As a summer resident, Oppenheimer spends most of his summers on.