There have been 13 applicants for the position of police chief for the Town of New Shoreham, Town Manager Maryanne Crawford announced at the Town Council’s meeting on November 6.
After tabling the matter a few weeks ago, the Town Council renewed mobile food establishment permits, approved their locations and set a cap on the number of licenses on Monday, December 5. The reason for the delay was to allow Bethany Campbell.
After months of sounding the alarm, the Block Island Water Company, under the supervision of John Breunig has finally gotten the attention of the Town Council. At a joint meeting of the Council and the joint boards of the water and sewer departments.
The Town Board of License Commissioners held its annual liquor and outdoor entertainment license renewal meeting on November 3, but not before first gathering as the Town Council to discuss a resolution concerning cooperation on liquor law.
After months of hard work by the Planning Board and Town Planner Alison Ring, revisions to the Zoning Ordinances regarding housing for year-round residents were adopted by the Town Council on October 19 “without amendment.” Specifically, the changes.