that strongly by corey lewandows lewandowski. it seemed like this was a neat way to get two different things you might want if you were corey lewandowski. an interesting tactic. he reached out to you since this was published? yes. i want to be clear. i reached out to corey lewandowski probably a dozen times trying to get him to sit for an interview with me, answer my questions. we sent him questions before the story was published. of course, he did nopt answer any of them. last night after the story was published, he contacted many e to tell me that i am a dishonest person with no facts but i already know that. that s how he feels about the article. yes. but he didn t specifically say anything i reported was untrue. he did deny that he pushed out the allegations of rob porter. we know this president is not someone who apologizes. yet you write he told her he cared about her happiness, he understood her decision and he
the president relies on her more than anybody else and he can t quite make sense of her, much like he couldn tma make sense o jared and ivanka. there was apparently a lot of griping, insults, under-the-breath comments according to my sources. you suggested that corey lewandowski may be who exposed these allegations of rob porter. why would he do that? it s complex. getting rid of rob porter was twofold, a uniqway to get at jo kelly and become chief of staff which corey lewandowski certainly is, and then there s the issue of perhaps some jealousy with rob porter. corey lewandowski was rumored at least, accused of having an affair with hope hicks during the campaign. that was never confirmed and, in fact, it was denied, but not
corey, good job, corey. good job. our whole squad, right? there are four people who ran donald trump s campaign and they ve taken different paths since the election. two made it into the white house. one was indicted and is currently under house arrest. and corey lewandowski stands apart. keeping his distance from the problems but also from the white house. he didn t join the administration. launching trump s campaign when d.c. republicans thought trump was a joke and the new york times was reporting that his nomination was a remote prospect. people thought it was so that he could win debates and win attention from the media. tonight, lewandowski joins the beat for the first time. and then i ll turn to you for a
response and fact check. joining me now, corey lewandows lewandowski, author of let trump be trump. thank you for being here. revealed information about trump advisers, were you are disturbed by anything that you learned, for example, in the flynn pleading about him lying to the fbi or the effort to undermine sanctions in. sure. any time someone is lying to the fbi, there s accountability. what we ve seen is that the investigation has found two individuals who have been convicted of lying to the fbi and two individuals who are under indictment for things which they did a decade before ever coming to the trump organization. what we have not seen is any collusion, cooperation or coordination between the trump campaign and rush that has
they thought. bold by nature, he was a lightning rod on television, a staunch defender of donald trump. he wasn t afraid to speak his mind. did you write those lines? did i. it is like a third person device. i wrote the book with the deputy campaign manager. we thought about writing it, i wrote one chapter, he wrote the other. we wrote it get. between the two of us, we re the only ones who were there from the beginning to the end and the major decisions. i m glad you read that. thank you. where i use the first person to retell a specific story. for the most part, we wrote it collectivy. it is an interesting book. thank you for coming on the show. thank you. and back me with me now, what did you think of corey s version in. 25 immediate reactions.