that strongly by corey lewandows lewandowski. it seemed like this was a neat way to get two different things you might want if you were corey lewandowski. >> an interesting tactic. he reached out to you since this was published? >> yes. i want to be clear. i reached out to corey lewandowski probably a dozen times trying to get him to sit for an interview with me, answer my questions. we sent him questions before the story was published. of course, he did nopt answer any of them. last night after the story was published, he contacted many e to tell me that i am a dishonest person with no facts but i already know that. >> that's how he feels about the article. >> yes. but he didn't specifically say anything i reported was untrue. he did deny that he pushed out the allegations of rob porter. we know this president is not someone who apologizes. yet you write he told her he cared about her happiness, he understood her decision and he