they announced they are launching a disinformation reporting team featuring journalists whose expertise apparently is fake news. that must ve been been hard to find. every journalist these days as an expert on fake news. like seeing a french bulldog is a expert on farting. that s all they do. something about their flat faces. good to see mpr realizing the necessity of policing fake news like a drug addict checking himself into rehab admitting you have a problem. npr is the first step, so good for you. the first investigation via themselves this tweet from npr it s self right before the 2020 election. here, mpr asks why you haven t seen stories from them about the new york post story on hunter biden which the paper broke a month or so before the 2020 election. as you know, the story was flushed on a toilet like an ounce of crack when cops kick in hunter s front door. [laughter] debating whether to reread that. they got it. greg: it s monday. i have a lot on my mind. yeah
ounce of crack when cops kick in hunter s front door. [laughter] debating whether to reread that. they got it. greg: it s monday. i have a lot on my mind. yeah, they buried the story only to resurface it later when hunter s dad was safely transported to the oval office like a mannequin to his door front window. like job trying to complete a handshake. the whole thing worked perfectly. this is npr s explanation for not covering the story. we don t want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories. we don t want to waste leaders s and readers time. a segment on the challenges of