Hundreds of Afghan refugees are expected to arrive in Illinois in the coming days. Several suburban mosques will be supporting them with housing, food, clothing and other needs. Here s how you can help them.
Voters approve fire district budgets in South Brunswick
Voters approve fire district budgets in South Brunswick
Voters in South Brunswick approved the fire district budgets for all three fire departments.
For South Brunswick Fire District No. 1, which is covered by the Kendall Park volunteer firefighters, the total budget for 2021 is $874,050, with the amount of $867,750 to be raised by taxes. This is a 0.9% increase over 2020’s budget, or an increase of $7,630.
The tax rate for 2020 was 8.4 cents per $100 of assessed valuation and there will not be an increase in the tax rate for 2021. Thus, taxes for fire protection will remain the same for taxpayers covered by the district.