Amid the festive excitement gripping Bollywood, actor Govinda, who has been missing from the big screens for almost four years, has made surprising revelations. The actor, who celebrated Ganesh Chaturthi with his family, interacted with the media and said that he has rejected projects worth Rs 100 crores last year. |
According to allegations, Solar Techno Alliance, a corporation with operations in a number of nations throughout the world, ran an online Ponzi scheme posing as a cryptocurrency investment plan. Apparently, without the permission of the Reserve Bank of India, the company raised a staggering Rs 1000 crore by collecting deposits from more than 2 lakh people across the nation. |
Sara was recently seen on a devotional trip to Amarnath where she walked side by side with other devotees and this touched the hearts of her fans. The Simmba actress has now bought an office space in Mumbai worth over Rs 1 crore. |
Lead actor Varun recently shared a gratitude post for fans who watched his movie and how the film has impacted the lives of many.Netizens are not very happy with Varun’s choice of words for the film |