Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan is gearing up for another film with his father, David Dhawan, following their collaboration on 'Coolie No 1'. The untitled film, produced by Ramesh Taurani, is slated for release on October 2, 2025.
Sara Ali Khan made her Bollywood debut in 2018 with Kedarnath, opposite Sushant Singh Rajput, which was received well by the audience as well as critics. Post that, she was seen in Ranveer Singh-led Simmba, which proved to be one of the top-grossers of the year. |
Prahlad mentioned Govinda's well-known history of being late for meetings. He recalled the actor telling him once that he would come on time for a shoot even though he was thousands of miles away. |
Govinda claims that his family had previously been unable to afford rations. To keep themselves fed, they were forced to borrow from the store. He disclosed that the shopkeeper used to force him to stand for hours on end since they couldn't afford the ration. In an attempt to manage his finances, Govinda applied for numerous jobs but was unable to secure one due to his poor