shut out. the supreme court of the united states is stomping on the dreams of our young people. this is a very seriousa trange. and from my point of view, a tragedag leadingy is this leao women in colleges soon? who knows? wow. they are invested in victimhood, aren t they? awful. and while the left continues tos meltdown, a new disturbing poll conducted by gallup shows pride in america continues to hover aroun around historic e with only 39% of respondents saying they feel extremely proud to be americans. here with reaction, author of puppeteers the people who control the people who control america, fox news contributor jason chaffetz. a best seller, by the way. congratulations on that, sir, and author of the upcoming book out on the 4th of july. put you all back in chains. how joe biden s policies hurt blacks. horace cooper, who is also the co-chair of project 21
strong case. some of the issues where he s talking about certain,s and did he obstruct, those are i don t have enough clarity on those, but i think the first 31 counts i don t i just don t understand where he thinks he has a case. pete: also big difference between classified documents and documents with classified markings and all that. and military stuff and could have been one indictment and shows intent and say 37 make it sound really bad and could have been one simple charge. pete: seems they know their loyal soldier in that case and it s jack smith. if you want to hear more from jason, he ll be on the big weekend show at 7:00 p.m. eastern time tonight with a great lineup and again the book is the puppeteers and people who control, the people who control america. wonder who s behind there pulling all the strings. jason will let you know. appreciate it. good to see you. coming up, from meghan markle losing podcast deal to courtney
poverty and violence. it was to build rehab facilities. chicago is a narco town. others like this reverend are raising money for the new arrivals. they are here, they are helpless and they are human. so i just think it s not only the christian thing to do but the human thing to do. now there are reports of people piled up in these rooms and food is cold, inedible and rotten. a venezuelan man has been able to find work but can t get an apartment because he is undocumented. harris: that s a lot of money and not know where it went. chicago has hundreds of problems at this point. thank you. jason chaffetz is here, fox & friends contributor, former utah congressman and served as chairman of the house oversight committee. his new book, so appropriate for right now. the puppeteers, the people who control the people who control
you know there were documents that were sensitive that were marked classified found in the garage near corvette that made their way through chinatown and the biden center. jason chapin s former chairman of the house oversight committee and the author of the brand-new book, the puppeteers the people who control the people who control america. jason who is controlling the liberal media? they are masterful in getting together and issuing a single memo. it s interesting how many times you ll hear them say the repetitive thing over and over. they are on the same word track and that s a coordinated effort and there are puppeteers who come in and say here is what you will talk about and they do. it s unbelievable. even the leaked audio comes out of the department of justice. it had to. it s there. i asked jonathan, you saw the same thing happened at the same supreme one wants to know how the highest levels of government are breached and one is curious? over thousand
credible source that the department of justice itself paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for this source and they get to see this document, hours later they come and drop this indictment? the are you kidding me? like, that s a coincidence? no way. they did this on purpose to smother the idea that joe biden has been cred e by credibly tied to a bribery scheme, put $10 million into his family s pocket. that should be the headline of the new york times, but it won t be. will: that s huge. by the way, peeking of joe biden, you have the puppeteer: the people who control the people who control america. june 13th, it s been released. so who is it? who are the people we name the names and we follow the dollars. it s not just the bureaucratic state, but it s people like brian deese, susan rice, larry fink, the state treasurers association. i was surprised by that. they control $2.5 trillion. you ve got to look at what the department of justice does to