14/03/2023 - The animated flick is an adaptation of a tale by Toy Story writers Joel Cohen and Alec Sokolow, and follows the misadventures of a runaway puppet and an abandoned stuffed-animal toy
14/03/2023 - The animated flick is an adaptation of a tale by Toy Story writers Joel Cohen and Alec Sokolow, and follows the misadventures of a runaway puppet and an abandoned stuffed-animal toy
14/03/2023 - In Elena Trapé’s third fiction feature, the protagonist (played by Laia Costa) loses touch with herself after going through a major life change… And she can’t be found anywhere
02/12/2022 - Simón Casal is in Galicia, about to wrap the shoot for this political thriller, which is co-produced by Tornasol Media and also stars Alberto Ammann, Tamar Novas and Alba Galocha